Can't Stop The Feeling

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It's finally the day Mina has been waiting for. They finally have the whole day to have a general cleaning of their apartment after how many months of not doing so. She got up early to list the things she and her girlfriend both needs to do for the whole day and doesn't forget to put an hour or two rest time for them to breathe, as well. When she's about to go back to their bedroom after posting the to-do list on their refrigerator, that's when her girlfriend woke up.

"Good morning, Minari"

"Get up there already, little cub. It's your turn to cook our breakfast today and yet I woke up first than you."

Her girlfriend giggled at her, eyes still closed as she heard the nagging first thing in the morning after she woke up in their rest day.

"Come on, can we cuddle for a while first?"

The cub opened her eyes, tried to pull Mina back to their fluffy bed when the girl just chuckled at her, went to the other side of the bed, but the cub is persistent, so she stood up and gave her a peck on the lips, that's when her whole being fully woke up.

"Son Chaeyoung!"

"Good morning indeed. I love you, Mina"

They both did their morning rituals together and then Chaeyoung proceeded to cook their breakfast while Mina just watch her chaotic moves first thing in the morning just by cooking some pancakes and putting some syrup.

"Why are you always clumsy?"

When it was finally finished and their food was already in the dining table together with their coffees, that's when they ate their breakfast peacefully (and sometimes giving each other a bite of their blueberry and strawberry pancakes respectively).

After washing the dishes and drying it to the sink, Chaeyoung was about to turn on the play station as she always does when it is their rest day, but Mina was so fast to stop her and brought her in front of her refrigerator.

"It's general cleaning day today, Ms. Son Chaeyoung. No games, no other activities other than house chores"

Her girlfriend just sighed at her, but immediately get the broom to start pretending that she's cleaning.

"I love you, Mina"

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