2;and we'll never be seen again

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And we'll never be seen again.
3rd person POV
Tw:after effects of war.

(This is literally written on Wattpad,not a doc or anything just my phone pls don't flame me)

Tommy ran out in the remains of l'manburg,jumping over lava,debris,pits,and stones. "TUBBO" "TU-UBBO WHERE ARE YOU??" The boy screams into the sky, sobs shaking his frail figure.

Phil, Techno,and Dream had just mercilessly blown up l'manburg. His home,almost everyone's home. They spawned withers,almost everyone is dead. Gone. Maybe they are at peace now,yeah?

Tommy slowed,he was starving. Rummaging through the small bag he somehow managed to keep he slowly eats some stale bread. Pretty much choking when Ghostbur placed his hand on his shoulder. Chills ran down tommy's spine and he shot up,"Gho-ostbur? Have you seen tub-bbo?" Ghostbur shook his head,confused.

Time skip brought to you by my fat a-

Tubbo neared tommy's base,walking down what remains of the prime path. He had given up on looking hours ago. He was starving,he just wanted to rest.

I should've tried harder. He's probably dead. Is he dead? Did he die in the explosions?to the withers? Probably. I should've done better. I should've.

These thoughts plagued his mind as he sunk to the ground,hugging himself and sobbing.the gut wrenching sobs coming out of him shook his core. He missed his friend already,he just got him back. How had he already messed up?how had they lost eachother?

Yea,I defenintley should've done better. Maybe tried harder.

~time/pov switch?~

Tommy slowly walked down the ruins of prime path to his old base,he only to assess his injuries and get some supplies and then he could leave. His sons subsided to hiccups and sniffles and his tear stained face was red from the cold,and crying. Maybe I should've been a better friend. I should've tried harder.

Nearing his old base he swung open the door to be met with a drained tubbo "t-ubbo?" He muttered,his voice was small and frail. He felt sobs rise in his chest again as he neared his best friend.

Tubbo looked up, immediately pulling him into a hug.the two boys sat there clutching eachother like if they let go they would both disappear.

-another time skip-

It had been hours since the boys found eachother. It was midday,and their injuries were assessed. "So," tommy began. His voice cold and lacking his usual enthusiasm. "I think we should run together,start anew. And we'll never be seen again. We'll never have a system to fail us again."

^^^^ media creds to sadist "dawn of the 16th."

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