Chapter 26

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Gemini's POV
"I am bored. I want to go out", I said to everyone.
"Let's go for hiking", Aquarius suggested.
"Hmmm what about traveling other places", Sagittarius asked.
"Visiting my farmhouse. It is very close to nature and my aunt and uncle stays there", Libra said.
"Which uncle? That psycho? ", Scorpio asked.
"Not him, that day you all saw two of my uncles. The other one", she said.
"And don't call my uncle 'psycho'", she said to Scorpio.
"Libra, you always tell about your uncle and aunt but never about your parents", Aries asked.
She looked down and sighed, "They are no more "
Everyone becomes quiet.
I can't cope well with sudden silence. So I spoke, "We're sorry, Libra. And we will like to visit your farmhouse"

Capricorn's POV
I was the one chosen to drive.
"Hey, Capricorn! I hope you don't drive too slow", Aries said to me.
What did he mean by that?
"I'll drive neither too fast nor too slow", I said to him.
"Drive fast! ", Sagittarius said.
"No, slow! ", Cancer said.
"Fast! "
"Slow! "
"Shut up. I'm the one to drive and I'll drive according to my wish ", I said.
I called Virgo to sit at the front, near me so that we could that.

The sitting arrangement...

Virgo   Capricorn
Aquarius   Gemini   Sagittarius
Scorpio   Leo   Libra
Taurus   Pisces   Cancer  Aries


o One's POV
Aquarius was quiet the whole time and Gemini kept on talking with Sagittarius. She asked to her, "Hey, Sagittarius and me, we will be going in a world tour"
"Just you two", said in a cold voice.
"Yeah! "
"Great! You won't like to have fun with me"
"Oh come on Aquarius, we'll be back soon and also I'll miss you very much "
Aquarius turned away, looking outside the window. Sagittarius looked at Aquarius and wondered why she spoke like that.

Aries and Cancer were fighting too much. They just shouted the whole time at each other.
"Guys stop fighting! My ears are getting hurt. Arghhhh! ", Libra said to them but they didn't care and continued.
Taurus sat down in Pisces's place so that she don't get hurt during their fight as Aries was becoming aggressive.
"Aries calm down! Cancer! ", Taurus said to them.
Aries raised his hand to slap but stopped himself before slapping her. Cancer at the very moment, started crying. Taurus calmed Cancer down.
"Aries, why did you do that? ", Scorpio asked.
"Why did you both get so angry? Did something happen between you both? ", Leo asked.

Cancer sat near Pisces and Taurus sat near Aries. After few minutes, they reached there.

Libra said, "There's my uncle". She ran excitedly and hugged her uncle.
"Oh Libra!"
"Hey uncle, how are you doing? Where is aunt Ruby? "
"She is inside"
"Oh let me introduce my friends to you"
...."This is Capricorn, Virgo, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer "
"Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are cousins "
"Oh! Hello everyone "
"Hello! ", some said and some just smiled.

Her aunt came, "Oh, so many people out here ", she smiled at Libra.
She introduced them.
"So, this is Scorpio, right? You had a cr-", Libra shushed her aunt to not tell.
"Aunt Ruby, please. Um- that's just a past. We were at the same primary school "
Her aunt laughed at her.
"Wasn't there something more? "
"No! ", Libra blushed.
"But how did you remember this name till now ?"
"That's my sharp memory"

In the evening, everybody were sitting near the river, surrounding the bonfire with soup.
"We were only 6 years old when we first met and we fought a lot because we teased each other so much. We confessed our love to each other  when we were teens. As teens, we faced many relationship problems. We went through break up, long distance, fights, misunderstandings, jealousy and many things but then we got separated and after 10 years when we met and saw each other", her aunt stopped.
"We still had the love and passion alive and then we got back together and married each other ", her uncle completed the story.

"Such a romantic story!", Pisces praised them.
"Okay, honeys. I'm going to cook food for all of you.", her aunt said and went inside.
"I've to cut the wood into pieces", Uncle Adam went too.

Aquarius went to wash her face. She saw Gemini and Sagittarius kissing each other. They were also laughing. She went and called, "Gemini! "
"Aquarius, what are you doing here? "
"I was just- what you are doing? "
"Let's go elsewhere ", Gemini said to Sagittarius. But he looked at Aquarius before going.

Taurus was playing with Pisces's hair. Then they saw Cancer, who was frowning and looking at the river. They went near her and asked, "What's going on? "
"I think Aries doesn't love me anymore. He likes Gemini "

Virgo and Capricorn saw Aries. She asked him, "Aries, what happened between you and Cancer? "
"She thinks that I like Gemini "

"Then you should tell her that how much you care for her "
"What!? She doesn't trust me and care for me and I should do. How will it work? ", and he went away.

Leo went near Libra's uncle.
"Hey uncle!"
"Hey Leo! "
"I love how manly you are. You got the woman you wanted"
"Oh *chuckles*, so do you have someone you like?"
"Don't chase me if I tell you the name"
"Haha *laughs* I won't. Is it Libra? "
"Yeah but how you know? "
"Guy, I knew the moment you told me about chasing you"
Leo smiled.
"So, what should we do to get the girl we want so madly"
"First of all, be her best friend, know her likes and dislikes, consider her thoughts and feelings and most importantly respect her"

Hmmm don't I do them to her? ", Leo thought.
"Uncle, can you tell me about her likes and dislikes? "
"She loves cheese burgers and cakes without cherries."
They kept on talking.

Scorpio went to meet Aunt Ruby.
"Oh hey, Scorpio! "
"I'm shocked that you still remember my name "
"How can I forget? You're so close to Libra's heart "
"Really? Am I? "
"Oh sorry, in her past"
He nodded.
"Sit here"
"How am I so close to her heart? "
"You are guy, you are. Libra kept on talking about you. I've always heard your name from her mouth. She always complained about you which seemed like hatred but I know it wasn't "
Scorpio chuckled and said, "I loved to tease her because it made her angry but she is actually very kind and innocent "
"Yeah, she always puts others before herself"
"I wanted her to be a bit selfish and not so vulnerable "
"She grew without parents and I'm worried about her in the future when her uncle and me will be no more with her"

Libra went to see her uncle but saw Leo alone.
"Unc-- Leo? "
"Hey, beautiful! ", he winked at her.

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