Chapter 1

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Waking up to my head pounding and throat sore was less than pleasant. Opening my eyes slowly, I look around the room. I see Ella leaning over me, looking worried.

'Oh Lil, your head feels rather warm.' She whispers as she lays her small, cool hand on my face.

'Arrggh.' I respond, feeling as though I have been trampled on by horses. I open my mouth to speak once more, but soon stopped after feeling the air drying out my, already dry, throat.

Ella runs over to the small table near the door to grab a glass of water that sat there. She keeps a watchful eye on the full glass as she gingerly walked back to my bedside. She sets the glass down on the table in front of her before turning to me.

'Lily, I'm going to need you to sit up so you can drink the water.' Ella sweetly told me. Gently grabbing the back of my head, she pulls me up, all while simultaneously bringing the pillow up to support my neck. I watched as she brought the glass of water to my lips and greedily gulping down the water, feeling it soothe my throat.

Finally feeling as though I could speak, I asked Ella, 'What time is it?'
She slightly narrowed her bright blue eyes and said, 'Now Lily, you are sick. You should not worry about the time, you need to focus on getting better.'

I internally scoffed, but knew my dear sister was just being the kind little creature she always has been. I knew there was no way she would let me out of this bed today.

At least it is not a weekday, after all it was only Sund-

I froze.

Quickly trying to remember the day before, I racked through my brain.

Yes of course yesterday was Saturday, I woke up and WENT TO CHURCH-

Good God, yesterday was Sunday.

That could only mean today was...

Horror fled through my veins as I realized that today was indeed Monday.

'- and once you have the soup, you shall feel all better,' Ella abruptly stopped 'Lily? Are you alright?'

My head snapped toward her realizing she had been talking this entire time. Knowing what I had to do, I quickly nodded, wincing at the throbbing of my head.

'Yes of course," I insisted, 'However, I would feel a lot better, if my my favorite sister could get me a cup of tea to sip on.' The lie flew through my teeth and I watching Ella's face go from concerned to determined.

'I shall get you the best tea and have the cook prepare the most delicious soup.' She swore. I gave her the best smile I could muster up.

Yes yes, go do that so I can reach for my watch under my bed and hopefully sneak out before you come back.

She turned and made her way to the door, smiling softly at me before marching off to the kitchen.

I paused.

After a few seconds, I dipped under the bed, feeling around for a certain-


I snatch it up, flipping it over as I lifted it up to my face. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I took notice of the time.

Half past noon! Good God, he's going to have my head for this.

I quickly hopped out of bed, looking around for a cover up so I could have something to wear while I snuck out to the shed.

I was nearly out of the door when it burst open, revealing a very surprised Ella.

I sheepishly smiled and offered her a wave.

'Lily! What are you doing?' She grabbed my wrist while looking at me disappointedly. 'You need to stay in bed, I won't allow you to do anything to exert yourself today.'

Oh Ella, If only you knew.

'I feel fine, really.' I try to convince her. 'A walk around the park will do me just fine, now if you could just-'




'Ella.' I dragged her name out. 'Honestly it's no big deal.'

'You need to rest, that's that.' She said firmly.

Oh boy, what was HE going to say when I didn't show up today.

I huffed and climbed into the sheets as I got tucked in. I needed to come up with a plan to get to the office. Now all I needed was Ella to leave for the soup again and I'd make a run for it.

'Since you proved you can't be alone, I shall stay here the whole day with you.' She stated as she made herself comfortable at my feet.

My eyes nearly bulged out.

What did she just say.

'What about the soup?' I stuttered.

'Someone will bring it up.' She simply stated pulling out a small book to read.

No way this is happening to me. I am definitely fired.
So this is my first chapter and I wrote it in about an hour.
Be kind please.
Ambrose's POV next chapter :)

Storm and Silence: Lily Gets A ColdWhere stories live. Discover now