Chapter 3

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Ella was driving me mad. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but this constant fussing over me needed to be put to an end.

Besides, I couldn't rest properly due to the fact that I would probably be murdered in one to two business days.

I wonder what he's thinking right now?

Probably "Thank God."

My heart did a flip as I imagined what he was doing right now. I actually mis-

Oh no-

Did I really just ... dear me.

I almost just admitted to missing a MAN.

'Lily, are you listening?' Ella pestered. She was reading me a rather boring book, but it was better then the needlework she was attempting to teach me half an hour ago. I desperately needed a break.

How can I get her to leave the room?

'Ella, can I please just lay down for a few minutes, alone?' I asked, fluttering my eyelashes. She have me a stern look, or at least, as stern as she could make it. After about 2 seconds, she let out a sigh.

'If you must.' She reluctantly agreed. 'But if I come back to find you gon-'

'Yes, yes I understand.'I replied trying to get some space as fast as possible. I needed silence, if I was going to somehow come up with a plan, a way to convince Mr. Ambrose to still let me work for him.

I can think of a few things he'd say yes to.


She got up, glancing worriedly around the room, as if she expected a magical door to appear.

'I'm going to be right down the hall if you need me.' Ella assured me. I just nodded.

Letting out a breath as she closed the room, I closed my eyes.

Think Lily, think!

The door opened again and I let a sigh out. I got up on my elbows and turned to the door to assure her I wasn't going anywhere.

When I saw who it was at the door, I froze.

I opened my mouth, closed it and opened it once more.

'Mr.Linton,' a certain someone said.

Just like that, the room dropped a million degrees.

'Mr. Ambrose?' I said bewildered. He continued to stare at me from the door. I was still in shock, confused that the Rikkard Ambrose, was standing in my room at my aunts house. My aunts house...

Oh my gosh

I jumped out of bed and ran towards him. He continued to stare at me, slight confusion in his eyes. I took hold of his shoulders and hauled him into the room. I stuck my head out of the door frame, looking left and right before shutting the door. Quickly bolting it, I turn to look at him,

'Have you lost your Goddamn mind?' I demand. He glares at me, opening his mouth but, I beat him to it.

'Have you lost your Goddamn mind, Sir ' I say once again. 'How did you get in here? No one saw you, right?

I make my way to the windows frantically, shutting the curtains. He simply does what he does best, remain silent. His eyes slowly making my way down my body before going back to my eyes.

'I should be the one asking questions here.' He emphasizes. I turn to look at him.

'You broke into my house.' I deadpanned.

'You didn't show up for work.' He replied.

That's what this was about?

'I have a COLD.' I whisper-yelled.

'How was I supposed to know that? You know our line of work is dangerous, I thought something happened.' He said.

I stopped myself from yelling him some more. Butterflies started to erupt in my stomach.

He was worried.

'Do you know the money and time I would have to put in to get a new secretary?' He tried to come back from his previous confession. I simply gave him a blank stare.

'Well, you can see now that I'm fine, you don't need to stick around.' I said hurriedly. 'Leave the same way you came, I cannot have my family find you here with me.' I could already feel the rope my aunt would tie me with, to drag me down the alter.

He just looked at me.

Uh oh.

I knew that look.

I started to back up, trying to find a way to reason with him.

He took one sturdy step after the other, until I felt the bed stop me, or should I say us.

He reached his hand out and I closed my eyes in anticipation. I felt his hand on my-


'You are burning up, lay down.' He ordered. Was he serious? He was actually not going to kis-

Good because, you don't WANT him to kiss you.


We continued to have a staring match until I heard Ella's dainty footsteps.

Damn it.

I grabbed him once more, this time shoving him under the bed. He surprisingly didn't protest and I hurried to the door, unlocking it. I got into bed, closed my eyes and tried my best to look like I was asleep.

The door started to open.




please let me know if you guys want me to continue with this book.

i think Ambrose POV next chapter?

gn <3

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