Extra Chapter

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Lily's POV
It was Rick's birthday today and he was gonna come in the bedroom any second now. I had a surprise for him-
Not the kind you're thinking of.
I ran into the bathroom one more time, checking to see that everything was in order.
Steady foot steps came this way and my heart sped up in anticipation. He opens the door and scans the room for something-
Or rather someone.
He focuses his gaze on me and bulldozes my way.
He runs his eyes up and down my body, then to the bed. I roll mine,
"Get undressed." I command.
He cocks his head slightly, about to open his mouth to explain that I can't tell him what to do, when he realizes what he would be refusing. Immediately starting to work on the buttons of this shirt, he lifts his gaze toward me and asks "And your clothes?"
I shush him and get him to undress faster. I enjoy the show I am getting, feeling as though it was MY birthday. He finished taking everything but his last bit of underwear off. Taking a step towards me, he goes to reach for my face when I step back.
"Follow me." I take hold of his hand, pulling us to the bathroom, ignoring his protests. I stop in front of it and turn back to him.
"Turn around."
"Lily, what is the meaning of all-"
"Turn around." He sighs but reluctantly turns around. My hands reach over his tall shoulders and around his head, going to cover his eyes with my palms. I shove him into the bathroom.
I release him and he looks around the room. I had spent a half hour making the room as relaxing and beautiful as possible. Flower petals decorated the floor and counter, the lavender oil had the room smelling heavenly, and the 10 different candles scattered around the room gave the room a warm feeling.
"Tada." I beamed
His surprise was a special bath given by Moi.
I ran over to check the water in the tub and it was perfect. I turn to look at him, and find him starting at him. I gesture at him to get in the tub. He continues to stare.
"Come onnn" I drag out,
"Bathing was the furthest thing from my mind when you told me I would be receiving a surprise." He states
"You'll like it, I promise." I try to convince him. I really just wanted to take care of him on his birthday.
"The water bill will be through the roof." He continues.
"Shut up and get in" I press.
"At least get in with me." He tries again, I simply give him a look and he sees that i'm serious.
Grudgingly he steps in the tub and sits down, stiff as a board.
I pull his back towards me and pull my sleeves ups, kneeling down so his head wouldn't be so far away.
I quickly grab the soap and start massaging it through his hair before he could ask anymore questions. I gently run my fingers through his locs, ensuing there aren't knots and slowly feel him relaxing against the tub.
"Hm" I respond.
"What are you doing?"
I tilt his head back to look at me. His face upside down, but just as beautiful. His eyes piercing into mine, saying much more than his words could.
"I'm taking care of you."I simply state, with a shrug. Leaning down, I give him a sweet kiss before tilting his head back up to continue washing his hair.
He sighs as I work my way down his neck and give his shoulders a massage as well. My arms creep around his neck and I give him a loose hug to which he responds by putting his hands over mine.
"I love you, Mrs. Ambrose."
I smile and lean forward to kiss his jaw,
"I love you more."
let me know if u want this in his POV

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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