Late Autumn Part 1

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Tomo was on her way to the store room when she heard two young attendants making a ruckus. She decided to quieten her steps on the wooden floor. She slipped her head around the corner. It was the new girl who had recently been sold to the house. Her heart sunk to think that her life would be another one of them, indentured to a life of pleasuring men in polite terms. Though that wasn't much of a surprise these days. Instead what shocked and bore pain into her heart was witnessing her favourite little friend Aimi pulling on the young girl's hair who didn't fight back, though she whined in pain for Aimi to stop.

For a brief moment she pondered on whether she should interfere or how she should go ahead doing so. Tomo took a big breath in and exhaled. She decided she'd keep it as normal as possible as she knew the adults around here were more than happy to raise their voices and slap the young attendants and future courtesans as they pleased if shown any . Smack first ask questions later seemed to be the mantra of all adults around here. "Why were adults always so mean and terrible?" Tomo pondered as she made her way down the corridor to the outdoor verandah largely unfrequented at this time of day. As she got closer it seemed the two had been tasked with wiping the verandah floor when something didn't go to plan.

"Hi Aimi."

Tomo's little friend jolted back as did the new girl.

When Aimi did come to her senses and she grabbed Tomo's hand and started to whine incoherently whilst pointing at the new girl who was sulking in self pity and equally paralysed by fear.

"Aimi, remember what I told you. Come on, deep breath in with me."

The little girl looked like she was about to break into a full tantrum, by which Tomo grabbed her by the hand and knelt down next to the two girls.

"Aimi, listen. Do it with me, deep breaths in and out."

Tomo had to hide the internal disappointment, never in a thousand years did she think Aimi would be the bully in any situation until she stumbled upon this scene. "She's a child." Tomo had to remind herself.

Tomo sighed in relief when Aimi did as was told. It never failed to humour her when the seven year old would bring her shoulder up to her head and let go of her breath dramatically and do it all over again on Tomo's instructions.

"Sorry, I haven't met you yet. What is your name?" Tomo said softly but with a commanding tone like a teacher would command when speaking to the new student when she turned to the new girl.

She could feel her little friend's hand tightening in simmering fury. She believed Aimi would control her outbursts. Equally in Aimi's mind she had to show Tomo she was growing up, unlike the last time she threw a tantrum and was teased by her older friend.

The girl grumbled something under her breath. Tomo might have caught the words "Fuck off." slip from the girl's lips.

"I don't like her!" Aimi pipped. "I don't want to do this with her! She doesn't listen to me!"

"Aimi, I know you have better manners than that. Can you show them?" Tomo gave her a stern stare.

Before they knew it the girl burst into tears and ran away.

"It's not my fault. It's her fault! I hate her!"

Tomo hugged Aimi. "I know you're feeling very angry right now because she isn't working with you. It isn't your fault but remember when you first got here? How did you feel?"

The tantrum within broke out of Aimi like any child who found it difficult not getting things done their way. It reminded her of her younger days dealing with her brother and his spoilt brat personality. Not that Aimi was in any way close to being spoilt in this house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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