Mid Autumn Part 1

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Author's note: I know its been a long time since I wrote and published the last chapter. Finishing uni got the best of me and my creativity. I also experience the post uni slump. With a turn of a new year, work life arrived a month ago. Having gotten used to the work life cycle, I've managed to build beyond it. Although I will admit that was quite the brick wall of preoccupations I had to get through. 

For a long while I didn't know how to create progression to get the story from its start to connect with its end. Though through a lot of quiet thinking, I've managed to work something out so here I am. I've returned to writing to pave the road to the story's end. One paver at a time. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed imagining the scenes and the character's interactions. 


A nice late evening breeze ventilated the stiff and tense private quarters of the great courtesan.

"Didn't I tell you to call for Shun?" Hyosaku's eyebrows furrowed.

"Madam..." Rina responded quietly. Her head leaned low, avoiding her mistress' stern gaze.

"You're clearly not focusing today."

"Forgive me. But Shun is nowhere to be found."


Hyosaku would have almost sprung out of her seat if it wasn't for her heavy over garment.

"How can you all be so incompetent?"


"When did you last see her?"

Rina's head was still bowed.

"Answer me!"

Suddenly the door slid open.

In came Auntie with a letter in her hand.

"She's handed in her resignation and left." Her tone carried a mix of joyous relief.


"You can't trust a wanderer to stay put. It would be preposterous."

"She also asked where the nearest temple was." Rina added.

"Temple? Will she become a nun Madam Hyosaku?" Aimi asked. "I miss her already." The little girl looked out into the sunset sky outside wondering where her favourite big friend would be.

"Rina, why didn't you stop her?" Hyosaku yelled.

"Hyosaku, she was never meant to be here. She should be grateful that this house sheltered her in her time of need. We could have chosen not to take her in and tarnish our name by taking a dog off the streets into this place. You must prepare yourself. Don't forget you have a new client this evening."

"How dare you... What tarnish do you speak of? She has brought in more wealth this month than you could ask for."

The sound of groaning from the window drew all matter of attention. Hyosaku turned her head so quickly it gave her whiplash.

A pair of hands gripped the side left side of the window frame. A loose roof tile smashing on the pavement triggered cursing from the owner of the pair of hands.

The top of the person's head took a quick peep, a groan was to follow as it ducked back behind the wall.

"Who is there?" Auntie called out.

"Shun is that you?"

Indeed a dishevelled former bodyguard pulled her body and leaned in through the window.

Hyosaku made a fussy wave for her to get in now or else.

Tomomi sighed and climbed into Hyosaku's private quarters looking defeated.

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