55- Perfect and Poisonous

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I looked into the eyes of the Devil

and he looked back 

at me.

Seeing a hell inside my heart,

darker than the one he knows of,

 he wept 

because what was poisoning


was darker than anything

 he had to offer.

Caspian's private library awaited lit and warm as if expecting them. Stepping inside, the lord closed the door behind Rosalind. In the comforting glow of the room, Caspian moved behind Rosalind and wrapped his arms around her. His wings enveloped them both in a dark cocoon.

When he placed his lips against the back of her head she felt like the only place she truly wanted to be was lost in the moment with him. Him, the beast who had rained terror upon everyone and everything. The monster who slaughtered, maimed and planted horror in man, woman and child alike. The beast who offered cruelty to whoever dared come close, everyone but her. To her, he was a man, one she found herself falling in love with. Rosalind placed her hands on his, touched her lips to his fingers. "I want to be with you," she uttered.

Caspian's wings spread to his side casting a large shadow, the sound of shifting leather came between her words and his reply as he folded them back to their rightful place. "After what happened, I find it unwise we are to share our first time under the thought of the maid listening in on us."

"Caspian," Rosalind nuzzled against his hands, "she will not dare. She fears you and will stay away."

But the lord shook his head against hers. "I have something for you." Tearing himself away from her, he walked to his desk and pulled a small black box out of a drawer. "Come closer."

Rosalind walked to him and set her palms on the surface of the desk.

A faint crack was heard as Caspian opened the box. A butterfly pin sparkled against a velvety bed. Tiny diamonds shone against a platinum frame. When rays of candlelight caught the stones, they erupted silver and bright.

Words caught in Rosalind's throat as she reached out and touched the rough surface of the pin.

"Do you like it?" Caspian asked.

Looking up at him, Rosalind nodded, emotions welling in her eyes. "It is perfect."

Caspian removed the broach from its bed and pinned it on Rosalind's white gown. "Something to remember me by," he said in a voice deep with affection.

She touched the butterfly, her gaze fluttering from it to the purple flower she had placed upon his cape not too long ago. "How can I ever forget you?" As the words left her mouth, they fell around her and broke at her feet. Rosalind felt her eyes burn. She could think of nothing but him and it made her heart ache. Clasping the pin, Rosalind slumped to the floor and began to weep.

Fear decorated Caspian's face, it was something he had not felt since the night Calla had died. "Beloved!" he cried and rushed to her. Falling to his knees, The lord draped his arms around her. "Do not cry," he cooed as he removed her icy crown and began to caress her hair.

Small fists grabbed into Caspian's cape. Bowing her head into his chest, Rosalind tried to swallow her tears down. "I cannot leave you."

Caspian squeezed his eyes shut. Keeping her here was all he wanted, but he made a promise. Harlan had held up his end, Caspian knew he would have to hold up his own. Even if it broke him. "You must. I promised your father you would be here a month, no more. I cannot go against my word even if parting with you is killing me."

Rosalind  - Beauty and the Beast meets Dracula retellingWhere stories live. Discover now