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Rosalind slipped her stole on the back of a chair. The hem of her silver gown was wet. Moving to the fireplace in her bedroom she attempted to dry it. In the embers, she saw the horses' eyes, black voids burning. The cold clung onto her. The fire attempting in vain to warm her.

Clasping her hands together, she flinched. Moments ago, the lord's hand was on her own, guiding it to the ghastly steed. But Caspian's touch had been gentle. His presence gave her an odd sense of calm as she stood in the proximity of the nightmare horses.

Rosalind made a fist and brought it to her chest. Underneath the thin sheath of silver, her heart banged against her ribs.

The fire crackled. The heat reached for her. Rosalind backed away. She put a distance between herself and the flames until she was no longer able to feel the warmth.

In the dining area, the table had been set and the food laid out. The meat which had been cooked well for Rosalind was a contrast to the lord's own raw dish. Blood pooled in lord Caspian's plate. The skin of the hare had been stripped. Tiny bead-eyes lay glassy in its skin-less head.

Two goblets awaited along with two chalices. One filled with wine. One with blood.

When Rosalind entered the room, the lord came to her side. His gaze moved over her slowly as though he was studying her. Rosalind caught his stare and held it.

"You are divine," he said in a low growl. His eyes drinking in the silver dress. "These gowns were made for you." Caspian moved around her and helped her with her chair.

"Thank you, my lord." Rosalind watched him move to his side of the table, noticing his long strides and the way his black cape flowed behind him with each step.

A shudder ran down her body as soon as she saw the hare on her plate. "A rabbit." Her voice was barely audible.

"It is a hare, my lady."

"Tell me what you'd like for me to bring you back from our hunt today. Your brothers are craving rabbit and we will not find them in our forest." Her father's voice invaded her thoughts.

The memory of her brothers and father leaving for the hunt swarmed into her brain.

"Father! The Borgo Beast!"

"There are no monsters, child. Simply men with imaginations."

Rosalind pushed the plate away. She stood abruptly causing her chair to move back with an angry scrape.

"I..." her words trailed off and vanished under the table and chairs. Rosalind's vision swarmed with her father's face when he told her the lord's deal. Her life for Julian's and Jacob's. A month of nightmares in return for their safety. Harlan Hershel looked like he had aged one hundred years that day. Tears fell from his eyes as he tried to speak and tell his beloved daughter of her ghastly fate. The last time Rosalind had seen her father cry was when her mother had passed.

"Forgive me, my girl. I beg of you."

Rosalind ran from the table, sobs erupting from her throat.

"My lady!" Caspian rose and chased after her.

Down the hallway she ran blindly, tears obscuring her sight. As Rosalind reached the bottom of the stairs, she felt the lord grab her by the wrist.

"Why are you upset?"

Rosalind tugged at her wrist. Her emotions wailed in confusion. Hatred rose like bile yet was pushed away by a foolish beat in her heart. "You!" Her face was stained with tears, and red with rage. She did not care about repercussions when she lifted her hand and slapped Caspian as hard as she could. "You are a beast," Rosalind howled as she struck him again.

Rosalind  - Beauty and the Beast meets Dracula retellingWhere stories live. Discover now