Evil Has Started

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Narrator - evil has come to pass and it will come at any moment evil doctor wanting to take revenge and francesca return means it very bad for the doctor friend but as the evil deepens will he turn evil and if he dose will the blue horse help him before anyone gets in danger least find out geronimo. 

Layla - hello this is layla calling unit command please respond we in trouble unit  is going to get destroyed help us this is what happend and how this message got sent please hurry. 

In torchwood a girl with brown hair wearing a dress and high heels was walking along the hall way to her time off a man with black hair wearing a black jacket and trousers was walking towards her she smiled and said while stopping to talk to him

"John  how are you today where you going it's our day off today"

"layla good to see you well I'm going on a mission soon but after that I'm free how's raven and Charlotte getting on with their projects"

Said John  while smiling at her he was glad that layla was here and it Been two years since Charlotte and raven joined so it was nice to see them getting on OK layla was about to say something.

When they heard a noise in the background John shepherd and layla ran to where the noise was coming from.

When they got to the noise a women with black hair wearing a jacket and Jeans was standing near the door to where the noise was coming from John  said while running towards the door

"what was that noise"

"I don't know John but we need to find out laya open the door if you can "

Said Elizabeth while moving away from the door, layla moved the crystal of the door and it opened to reveal the tardis John said while looking at it with a frown on his face

"hum it's a blue box I wonder what it's doing here hello anyone there"

"hello oh Hi I'm lilly this is Daniel sorry about the crash the doctor fainted can you help him please "

Said lilly while popping her head outside the door layla pushed the door open to see the inside of the tardis her face was in shock she never seen anything like this in her life and she was excited lilly smiled and said point to where the doctor was

" it's bigger on the inside then outside welcome to the tardis, the doctor over there"

"OK least get him to the infirmary and let doctor beckett cheek him out "

Said Elizabeth while radio him layla nodded and with help from Kate  they took the doctor to the infirmary.

As they did that lilly and Daniel walked outside the tardis and they headed to the controle room to see where they were when they got to the console room Charlotte and raven where making sure the jeep  was working when they came in lilly said while running to her to see if she OK

"you OK Charlotte we missed you raven Hi mate please to see you both where are we"

"it's good to see you to me and raven came from unit  two years ago welcome to torchwood that Elizabeth , John , layla, helping the doctor is Jack who you meet , Owen , ianto   and gwen "

Said Charlotte while introducing them raven smiled and hugeded lilly and Daniel when a a with brown hair wearing a leather jacket and Jeans came in and said while telling them what going on

" John he awake "

" thanks ianto  least go and see him "

Said John while holding layla hand and walking towards where the doctor was lilly smiled as she guessed they love each other but she was worried about the doctor if he really was evil what will he try first.

But she stay strong and keep fighting for him so she walked with Daniel and the others to the infirmary, when they got there a man with black hair wearing a doctor coat and top was standing near the doctor bed when Charlotte and the other came in he said while holding Charlotte hand to tell her what happend

"he OK but there something inside him I don't know what but it could be dangerous"

"oh grate that bad right Charlotte "

Said raven while looking up at her she nodded and headed over to the doctor bed his eyes opened as he saw her and reach his hand to her she took it but she knew she had to give him time to heal so she kissed him on the head and stepped back to give him room

"I missed you matt how you feeling"

"OK thanks but where am i "

Said the doctor while getting up shaking lilly ran to him and helped him up Daniel knew this was bad but how bad I don't know but before he could do anything the doctor threw lilly across the room raven ram to her and said while looking up at Charlotte

"she OK doctor stop you turning snap out of it"

"you be destroy for what you done this is not the end "

Said the doctor while running to the console room John tried to stop him but it was to late he had gone he turned to Charlotte who had tears in her eyes to walked over to her and hugeded her to keep her calm

" you OK we get him back ok"

"thanks right layla and John you head to the console room with ronan and stun him bring him home we help you out "

Said Charlotte while smiling at him he noded and him, layla and gwen  who had long black hair wearing a top and trousers tried to stop him.

The others followed and they ran as fast as they could to make sure the doctor did not do anything bad but when layla and John got to the console room the self destruction was activated.

The doctor was laughing away when John stunned him and he fell to the ground layla tried to turn it off but it was not working so she called for help to see if they could hear her

"this is layla calling unit  please respond we in trouble torchwood is going to be destroy please contact us help us"

There was no response layla sat on the floor in tears as she could not reach anyone she feared for her life and hoped they get out of this alive John ran to her and hugeded her to keep her calm but it was hard as the self destruct was on

"it OK I'm here I love you OK "

She smiled and stood up to see tosh  there she had black hair  layla smiled and let her fix the self distruct.

A few hours later and she did it the building was still there and everone was safe layla kissed John on the lips tosh  smiled and left them to it back at the tardis Charlotte was hugging lilly and Daniel with sadness as she knew the doctor was gone for good but they had to keep going

"look I know the doctor gone but I love him very much when layla and John finished the repair with help from tosh  they where about to bring the doctor when they turned round he was gone. I can guess who took him but I want you to be on your guard layla and John are coming with you and I'm sure we meet again "

Lilly and Daniel hug Charlotte and they walk into the tardis layla and John salute Charlotte and walk into the tardis and it disappear like a ghost in the night as they disappeared.

Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood a dalek ship inside francesca was walking into the controle room when the doctor beamed down with a evil smile

"I'm ready"

"good let the revenge begin".

Evil has started but how far will the doctor go least find out next time in end of a era. 

Daniel  :day one with out seeing the doctor me and lilly are travelling in time and space with John and layla friends from atlantis,.

Today we meet someone we never meet before and is willing to help find the doctor the only problem is that she the mother of the doctor two children that turned evil so it was hard to trust her but we had nothing to lose this is how we meet her and what happens next log out. 

Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero inside the box Daniel was brushing the horse and feeding the cat when layla came in with her ginger cat he looked up and smiled and said while getting some water

"midnight going to be happy so Denis what your cat called"

"lavinda, Daniel do you think we see the doctor again "

Said layla while putting her cat down next to midnight who purr and fell asleep Daniel stood up and walked out leaving the door opens so they got space to move and shock his head with sadness in his eyes

" I don't know but it looks like we lost him but we promise Charlotte we find him even if it takes a long time come on least see how lilly and John are getting on fixing the bottom of the console out "

Layla nodes and walked off she could not help agree with him they have not seen the doctor since their last adventure and what Charlotte had told them he was evil and had something in him she guess it was francesca.

As that's the only person she can think of that would do such a thing,but what confused her was that the mother was not around to see this unfold Charlotte never told them about the amount of time Rebecca turned evil and wanted revenge but then one day she turned her good we don't know if she lasted long enough or that she still alive.

But if she was alive she was the only one to find the doctor even though the other did not know that yet but they will as they both walk to the console room.

Under the tardis console lilly was teaching John how to fix the tardis as they might have to fly it if they can not find the doctor lilly said while showing him the wire he has to fix

"there you doing well John good job OK so that one there next"

"OK so lilly how long you travel with the doctor "

Said John while fixing the wire together lilly sigh and shock her head she was heartbroken that he was evil the doctor was a grate man and she loved him very much like Charlotte.

Ever since she meet him she loved him from the start and she could not believe he turned she hoped he was acting so he could get close to francesca.

But as they have not heard from him Charlotte was the only one to save him and she knew that but she did not want to talk about it much as it was just yesterday it happened John touched her shoulder with comfort

"I understand it's fine least fix the tardis"

Lilly smiled she knew he understood how she felt and she was happy he was here, as they worked Daniel and layla where on the console room Daniel gigged with excitement and started to set a course for their next adventure but before he could pull the leaver a message came up on the screen

"hello I heard of your situation and I'm willing to help here are my details come and find me and I help you find the doctor"

"who was that "

Said John while walking up the stairs to see what just happens Daniel and layla shrugged and they put in her details and pulled the leaver to where this person was but where was she least find out geronimo.

A few light years away a blue planet surrounded by stars was hovering in space the outside of the planet was covered with sand

On  the planet the hole place was deserted there was nothing there as far as the eye could see only a little house was still standing inside the house Rebecca was eating her soup when the tardis landed outside her house.

She stood up and walked out and knocked on the door it opened and lilly and the other came out with shock to see how bad this planet was destroyed lilly looked at the women with a frown and said while wondering who she was

" no offence but who are you"

"I'm Rebecca Im the one who can help you find the doctor"

Said Rebecca while putting her hands up just in case they don't believe her lilly walked closer to her and said while looking at the another locket round her neck that she knew Charlotte had

"where did you get that I seen it before"

"I got it from my lover the doctor "

Said Rebecca while hiding on to it layla took her arm and took her to the tardis and pined her to the console

" tell us where he is and what you done with Charlotte lilly said that hers so what have you done"

"I may be the parents of Martin and francesca but I done nothing g to Charlotte I'm here to help you find the doctor"

Said Rebecca while trying to get them to listen, Daniel pulled layla back and said while helping her up

"thank you for offering your help and you are a good person now so let her help"

John, lilly and layla nod and they pull the leaver for their next adventure and to find the doctor but will they least find out geronimo.

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