I Waited For You

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Lilly :day ten with out the doctor and with help from the tenth doctor we try and find John and to rescue Charlotte but when we reach him he old and he said

"I waited for you"

We all feel sad but when he take him home he start to lose the age and go back to normal but when the 17th returns we find out torchwood , unit are here and they found a body in the ocean who is it least find out.

In Cardiff the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain people where walking down the path with umbrella to protect them from the rain.

A few miles away from the city a small vortex appear out of nowhere and John comes out of it and falls to the ground, he opens his eyes and stood up and looked around with a frown as he did not know where he was he shrugged and started to walk towards the town.

He smiled as he could not believe that he was home but it felt different to him but he did not notice till the next bit as he walked along he was not watching where he was going and bumped into Charlotte.

He smiled and said while looking at Charlotte with a shocked look on his face as he could not believe she was alive, as he sae her being taken by the dalek but he was about to find out why

"Charlotte Hi its me John how are you what you doing here"

"I live here now and I never meet you before but welcome to Cardiff this is my husband Matt Smith and my children, Kate and blaze "

Said Charlotte while introducing her family with a smile John shock their hand and they walked to their hand to the house to chat about what happend to him.

As they did that up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero

Inside the box the doctor was sitting on the chair while watching lilly fly the tardis after they found out the dalek ship had disappeared and where looking for John and Charlotte ashe sat on the seat Daniel came up the step and said while seeing if the tenth doctor was OK after what happened

"you OK doctor I'm sorry about what happened do you think we find them"

"I hope sorry I'm just thinking about Charlotte I hope they both OK "

Said the doctor while getting up with a sad look on his face Daniel smiled and was about to something when a alarm sounded in the console room Rebecca said while turning it off while telling them what going on

" we found John come on least go right doctor "

The doctor nodded and lilly pulled the leave and they headed to where John was, as they did that back in the parrollel universe John was lying in his bed with bags under his eyes and his face aged.

The wind started to get up and the tardis landed in his bedroom he looked up to see the door open and the tenth doctor come out following by the others he frowned and said while sitting up

"i waited for you "

" sorry we where so long but we could not find you we sorry but we can take you back and get you back to normal "

Said lilly while helping him out of bed to take him home he nodded and the tenth doctor pulled the leaver and they traveld back to their own time to get John back to normal

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