John And Charlotte Part One

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Charlotte :day eight with out the doctor and the last time we saw him was on the ship and John blew it up so is the doctor dead I hope not but if he is then I think the hole world would shiver.

But also I kiss John he saved us and payed the price for trying to save layla I hope they alive but I know if francesca alive she demand revenge and we all in danger if that happens,.

But today we see John again and I was so happy, because he try to saves me from the dalek but who is helping the dalek to capture me well least find out geronimo. 

On earth in the Pacific ocean the water was shining in the sun like a gem in a stone John was drinking some tea on a ship that was heading back to unit  he was happy he was alive but he worries about layla as he did not save her in time.

But he hoped she was still alive and francesca would not return but you never know as he drank his tea matt came up the small step on the boat he smiled and walked over to him to see if he OK and to tell him they nearly at their desternation

"you OK John we nearly there"

"yeah I'm good thanks and OK thanks for letting me know but I miss layla I hope she Alive "

Said John while looking at him with a sad face matt hugeded him as he knew how he felt when Charlotte left the parrollel universe he mist her very much but she talked him to carry on with life no matter what.

" I understand I felt like that with Charlotte and I mist her very much when she left but you got to live your life and move on"

"yeah thank you matt I'm glad your here with me "

Said John while walking down to the kitchen to wash his cup up as he did that, up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the dalek ship.

It was was hovering in orbit near the moon the outside of the ship was covered with rust and ball shaped windows around the ship.

Inside the ship the dalek where repairing the ship after their last battle the dalek where the only one left because the doctor wife destroy them ever time and it was really annoying.

So they looked for a new boss to lead them to destroy the doctor wife as they move along the hall a figure was creating along following them like a spy one of the dalek turned round and looked at the figure and lowed its eye stalk

"your back lead us to battle"

"I will now get me the master and missy I got a job for them "

Said the figure while ordering them what to do they lowerd their eye stalk and started to move to the cargo bay and it flew to earth with the master to plot a plan for the doctor wife to get stick in but who was the figure they where talking to well least find out.

As they went to earth a few miles away from the ship the tardis was hovering above earth at its protector and hero inside the box lilly and lavinda where flying the tardis when Daniel came down the stairs yawning after a lot of adventure

"we been so busy where Charlotte lilly"

"she fixing the bottom of the console out I'm worried about her though I think  losing matt got to her "

Said lilly while touching his shoulder to tell him what going g on he nodded and headed down to where charlotte was he smiled and said while giving her a hug

" oh my friend you know we find him right he still loves you he find using know he will"

"thank you dalek I'm happy your here thank you OK everyone ready for adventure "

Said Charlotte while kissing him on the cheek and headed up to the console room, they all noded and Charlotte was about to pull the leaver when they get a message Charlotte frowned and said while showing them what it said

" someone in trouble in Twickenham we got to go come on least go "

They all nod and midnight and lavinda help each other pull the leaver and the tardis wired off through time and space to save the day once again.

As they flew to Twickenham back on the Pacific ocean the ship was nearly at England and John was really excited to see the gang again and say Hi but as the boat landed into the harbour it all seemed normal.

But never  say never matt smiled and was about to tie the string to the poll when the computer started to bleep really loudly John ran over to it and graded a vortex manipulater from matt bag and said before disappeared like a ghost in the night

"chandelier the others are in danger the dalek are here be right back "

Matt shrugged and carried on working as he carried on in the town square near Twickenham station the tardis started to land on the ground as hard as a rock.

The door opens and Charlotte walked out fooled by the others and they follow the signal to where the help was wanted as they went past the restaurant the beeping started to get louder and they turned the corner to see missy sitting on the floor shivering lilly said while seeing if she OK

"are you ok miss we heard your call"

"ahh thank you, you are so kind people get them "

Said missy while getting up to reveal her true form lilly stood back with shock as dalek came towards them and took Charlotte arm missy smiled and they dragged her off but before they could beam up John appeared out of nowhere and said while trying to stop them

"don't you touch her"

"John ". 

John :day nine with out the doctor and Charlotte is in danger and I come to the rescue but I get beamed up at the same time as her and I try and save her but we have a spark between us and we kiss.

I could not believe it but we did but before I could save her she got changed and I got sent back in time by the angel, but what did I not know the dalek damage the tardis to stop them coming after us but will they come in time I hope so I don't want to wait to long help us doctor. 

Location - Twickenham 

 Back in Twickenham the sun was shining like a gem in a stone the city was still bussing with people shopping and laughing through time back along the path Daniel, lilly and Rebecca where in shock to see John was alive as they thought he was dead.

As they looked at him he was pointing his sonic at the dalek puppet to try and stop them take Charlotte from them

"let her go or I will use this I will"

"use it then and kill your lover haha "

Said missy while walking towards him to try to make him scared he shakes and was about to use the sonic when a beam came down and beamed them all up to the ship.

As they beamed up back on the ground Daniel said while looking up in the sky hoping charlotte was OK and wondering what they going to do to save them

"what we going to do Rebecca we need to save them "

" I agree least go and save them come on least go "

Said Rebecca while walking towards the tardis follows by the others and they walked into the tardis and tried to fly the tardis but it was stick lilly tried and tried to pull the leaver but it would not budge Daniel said while trying to help her

" it's stuck what we going to do who did this"

"the master and missy I'm guessing as they did not want us to save charlotte and John "

Said lilly while looking at the door with a angry look on her face as she knew who did this and hoped they could save them in time , Rebecca sat on the seat with a sad look on his face she hoped this would not happen but it did and she did not know what to do.

But before she could do anything they heard a tardis noise outside of the tardis Rebecca stood up and walked to the door and opens it the others followed her and they saw another tardis a few metres away from their tardis they all smile and walk towards it to see the doctor again as they knew it was him

Daniel sigh and knocked on the door it opens and the tenth doctor came out and said while looking at them all with a smile on his face as he was happy to see them after a long time no see

"hey guys you OK long time no see huh how you been"

"good thanks but Charlotte and John are in danger and the tardis is stuck can you help us "

Said Rebecca while walking towards him with a pleading look hoping he forgive and forget about the past and what she done he noded and held her hand and they walked into the tardis and pulled the leaver and headed up to space

As  they did that on the dalek ship Charlotte woke up to find herself in a cage surrounded by bars she frowned and sat up to see John smiling at her to see if she OK

"John what you doing here I thought you died"

"I came back for you i mist you and I'm here to save you "

Said John while walking towards her she smiled and stood up and she held his had he stared into her eyes and they leaned in and they started to kiss, John could feel the love for her more them ever and he was glad he came back for her as the snogged.

A few rooms away the figure was sitting on francesca chair in front of her all the dalek puppet knelt before her with the madter and missy behind them, one of the dalek puppet s said while telling them they got Charlotte once and for all

"we got your enermy Charlotte and John do with them what you will my leader"

"send him back in tine and change Charlotte into a dalek go now "

Said the figures while telling them what to do, they nod and they walk to the cell to do what the figure said as they said that in the cell John had Charlotte in his arms with a smile on his face when the cage opens and the dalek puppet drag ed Charlotte away John said while trying to stop then

"leave her alone take me in stead leave her alone"

"well your not getting off either take him to the angels and send him back in time "

Said the dalek puppets while taking him to the angels and sent him back in time and changed Charlotte into a dalek but before the tenth doctor could get to the shops it disappeared like a ghost in the night where did they go and is John stoll alive least find out geronimo. 

To be contained... 

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