'I like this man...'

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"I'm a man"

"I'm a guy...Just like you" she said pointing at me- I mean he said
He started laughing seeing my expression
"What are you laughing at?" I asked him pouting
Why couldn't have he told me sooner?
"Hey, hey! Stop pouting" he said as his laughter came down
"I'm sorry if you regretted that, kissing someone without knowing the gender is not always a pleasent feeling" he said, scratching his name as his ears and cheecks got a little tint by red
So cute!
"Its okay...I don't regret it, why does the gender matter anyway? Gender doesn't always matter you know?"
He looked at me and gave a smile, those cotton candy smile is so cute, I wanna pinch his cheek
"I'm not cute" he said as he pouted
"Did-did I s-say that out l-loud?"
"You did" if I said that his cheeks has red tint to it, now it has become bright red for sure
"Wait....I wanna ask you something....it's okay if you don't want to tell me, I mean- there is no need to tell me- it's your privacy and I should respect that-"I kept blabbering until he called me
"Yes!?" I quickly asked as my cheeks became red from embarrassment
"What's the question?" He asked calmly
But how can he stay so calm? I'm not calm at all, my heart is beating as if it's gonna burst out of my chest any second
"Yeah...right the question-I don't remember" I lied, through my teeth still nervous to ask the question
"Win, win metawin opas-iamkajorn, that's my real name, wine is a fake name that dumbass Mike gave me"
"Oh...wait what!? You...you're from opas-iamkajorn family?" He looked so shocked
"Yeah....why'd you ask?"win asked confused also wondering if he knew his family...but how?
"Wait a second,You're metawin"
"Of course I am, why you acting as if you already know me?"
"I do...I know a lot about you...your family, everything, I'm the who knows most about the other dimension or your world"he said turning his head back to the sky, I could feel the happiness and sadness in his voice, why is he sad?
"Its because of your brother, we used to communicate through a book, he was also my best friend, he was one of a very few friends I have...he used to always talk about his family and how it's not equal here in threa or in earth...but he-he d-died?" He said the last words while his tears were flowing down his chin, but it was more like a question, he didn't know that he's the one who died...
"Who knew? We would be crying over the same person with each other when we didnt even know we somehow knew each other? But I wanna know...despite everything these women are doing to you in threa, why did you still decide to help my brother by giving him information?"I asked him with full seriousness in my voice
"H-how did y-you know it was m-me?"he asked, surprised
"Of course I would know, so you're the one who my brother talks about, vachirawit chivaree?"
"Looks like we know each other though we didn't know we were each other" I said as smiled at him, his hand just went up to my cheek and pinched it making me yelp and rub my now sour cheeks
"Why did you do that?" I asked looking at him with a pout on my lips
"If you keep being that cute I will pinch your cheeks until your whole face feels numb" he said looking me with such beautiful eyes, staring at mine, from that moment I knew, I knew that I like this man...

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