"Can I call you by your nickname?"

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I woke up late today, goddamn it, I had to run all the way from my condo to my university, it was fricking one kilometre, I couldn't find my car keys this morning and I just took off instead of thinking or searching, right now, I'm standing in the hallway of my class, it's apprearently my punishment to stand there for ten minutes, yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is bright vachirawit chivaree, but I never told anyone this name, I always told everyone that my name is sodsai, if you're wondering why my name is sodsai, I named myself in Thai version of my real name, sodsai vachi wachirawithy chivari. I had to give the university a fake name and everything just to get good uducation, why? Because we got a new ruler, who is a women and unfortunately she doesn't treat all gender the same, she treats women nicely and men worse than animals, that's why I came to an all girls university with my best friends from an orphanage I used to live in.


The teacher finally let him in, and he ran to sit beside his best friends, off, toptap and film.
"You idiots, why didn't you wake me up? I had to stand outside for a long time, my legs hurt" bright whined as he sat down,
"We called, but you just kept murmuring about that guy in your dream who you don't even know if he exists" toptap shot back and smiled, he knew whatever happens, bright never talks about him, and how he knew about that musterious guy?
Bright was drunk that day and was acting all angry just because he still couldn't see that guys full face looks like, he was blabbing about how that guy guy has the sweetest smile and then he just passed out.

After class

"Hey, check it out, they're the new girls who arrived today" -toptap
"Wow, they're pretty". -film
"Yeah, they're cute, very cute". -off
"Dumbass, you know we can't date anyone" -bright
"Yeah, yeah whatever" off said as he rolled his eyes
"You guys can't but I can" film said wiggling her eyebrows as off started imitating crying and and everyone started laughing, film came out to everyone last year that she's bisexual
"You guys want something? I'm gonna go buy food"
"I want iced amaricano"-bright
"I want an iced tea, black"
"Pass" toptap
"Wow, you guys aren't buying any solid food again, you guys only drink all the time, besides when do you guys
Even eat 'food'? I'm gonna go buy you guys food now and you WILL eat it. Okay?" She said everything seriously except the last part, she said it like an innocent little girl
They looked at each other and said
"Yes mom!" And started laughing
Film rolled her eyes and started walking towards their canteen

Few minutes later

"Hey guys, I'm gonna introduce you guys the new students, they're cool, they even helping me hold all of your food" film said smiling at her friends
"This is wine, mie, love and poon and guys this is, sodsai, pid and pat"
"Hi" they said ash film invites them to sit with them
"So? Do you guys know each other before coming here?" -off
"Yeah, love is my step sister, mie and poon are our friends since we were kids" -win
"How come you guys came here on your second year?" -film
" we accid-" win started but gun kicked him from under the table
"There was an accident!" Love tried to cover up
"Yeah! An accident at our university" -win
Bright, film, off and top tap looked at each other and shrugged telling each other to brush it off
"Okay then, let's start eating!" -film
Everyone started eating, starting a conversation with the other group
"Why are you so silent?" -win
"Nothing" -bright.
"Your name is sodsai right? Can I call you sai for short instead?" Win asked with his cute bunny smile
Bright just started at him, feeling nostalgic,


"Hey, what's your name?"
"Vachirawit, why?"
"Nothing, what's your nickname? Who the hell calls people by their real name these days?" He asked
"Bright, my nickname is bright but only my close friends call me that"
"Then can I call you bright?"
He showed me his cute bunny smile

"Sodsai? Sodsai!" She called me
"Huh? Yeah?"
"I asked you if I can call you sai"
"Oh yeah, sure, yeah, that's okay"
"Thanks, who the hell even calls people by their full name these days anyway" she asked as she laughed

It just feels so weird, why do I feel so weird? Is it him? How stupid are you bright! She's a girl not a boy!

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