"where did you live before you came here?"

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The next day

"what classes do you guys have today?" film asked the new group, "I have chemistry first then maths and politics, then I'm done" win says uninterested

"I have chemistry history then i'm done for the day" top-tap says kind of exited for chemistry, "why're you so excited? chemistry and history are boring" says bright while groaning, "you wouldn't understand, you're dumb" top-tap says sternly while the others burst out laughing, anyone who sees them would think they've been friends for years, they went to their respective classes after sharing their schedule for the day, win, top-tap, bright, gun and film has chemistry while love and mike has english and off has thai, they decided to meet up at 4pm at a internet cafe

at 4pm in the cafe

"where's pid and wine?" film asks everyone if they knew "pid's phone is missing, he contacted me with some else's phone" bright replied "what about wine?" top-tap asked "don't wory about him, he-" mike kicked him from under the table "I mean, she's always late! we don't have to worry about her!" love replied while laughing nervously "so what do you guys want to eat!?" mike asked trying to change the subject "americano for me and sai and iced tea for pid and film" top-tap replied to mike

"okay then, I'll go buy them, film can you help me, too much drinks to hold" love asked "sure" film replied and stood and started walking towards the counter with love with her

few minutes later

"they're here" love and film said at the same time and looked at each other and smiled
"Hey guys" win greeted
"Took you guys long enough" love replied, "but I'm here now aren't I?" Win said as he smiles and sat between off and love, in front of bright
"So what are we doing here?" Win asks sipping on his drink that he just bought
"We're going to play a game" off says
"Why now? What day is it today? Is today special?" Win asked curious "are we really gathered here to just play a game" Mike asked "that's a way to put it" top-tap replied "why are we playing it now? And why here?" Love asked out of curiousity "actually we were planning on inviting you guys to our condo but uh...it's a mess?" Off answered the question praying in his mind for them to believe it
" Okay? I guess, anyway! What game is it!? I sure am excited! I'm gonna win for sure" win said as he stood up looking so proud of himself, "you daydream too much, you know that?" Gun said, everyone laughed while win just pouted
"Its not exactly a game, just asking questions about you and you have to answer honestly, you know, just to get to know each other?" Film says almost asking if they could "okay! But here? In this cafe? I mean there are a lot of people around here and some people are already staring at us already" gun said "yeah, we can't stay here, let's go to their apartment!" Film said as she stands up "NO!" Off , bright and top-tap said at the same time, the others just stared at them confused "we mean, it's a mess like we said, we have to clean it up tonight and we'll invite you over tomorrow?" Bright said as the others nodded "oh it's fine, we'll help you guys clean up, btw just to make sure, do you guys live together? Three of you guys?" Win asked "they do, so lucky, they can even live with their best friends, too bad I still live with my parents" film said pouting

Win chuckled and said "it's actually pretty hard, these guys don't even keep our apartment clean"
"You guys live together too?" Film asked making a sad face
"Lets go! We have a condo to clean and I have a game to win" love says as she headed towards the exit with the others following her, Bright, off and top-tap screaming in their mind also thinking of a way to hide all the of their pictures

At their condo

Bright, off and toptap ran in as fast they can and took all of their pictures hid it behind them,
"Is everything okay? Why're you guys hiding those photos? Can we have a look?" Win asked
"Nope, it's only for us to see, it's a friends secrets" off said, making a proud face
"What about us? We're your friends! Now give me that!" Film said and snatched a photo frame from bright

"Oh..." that was all she said, she knew about them, she tried hiding it behind her as fast as she could but before she could everyone came to them and checked whos photo it was
"Why does she look like a boy in this?" Win asked as he furrowed his eyebrows
"Uh.....Oh! It's his twin! Yeah it's him twin!" Film explains laughing nervously, hoping they would believe her, "what about theirs?" Gun asked
"Three of them has identical twins" film says still lying, "where are they? Don't they live with you guys?" Mike asks
"They..." off tried to make up a story in his mind but thankfully film cut him off saying "hey! We have a condo to clean and a game to win! Let's get started!"
They all started cleaning after that

An hour later

"Finally!" Off says as he sighs, they all sat in the living room on the floor and took some snacks and drinks for extra fun, "who's gonna ask first? Let's get started already or wine is gonna finish eating these before we even start" gun says with a straight face as if he didn't say anything to offend win
Everyone started laughing when win just sat and there pouting, after everyone stopped laughing they started the game,
"I'll ask first, I choose you! Wait, I have a question for everyone before I ask gun, how private can these questions be?" Off asks as he starts
"Mm...how much a best friend can know?" Love said
"Okay then, Mm...where did you live before you came here?" Off asked out of pure curiosity
Love, gun, win and Mike gulped looking at each other before gun answered...


If you like it Vote and comment on my story! And the first person who does, I'm gonna make a character from gacha club, I made one for my best friend before! Even for myself and some random ones I made! So I would love to make one for you guys!

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