how do I let this feeling die?

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When and how did I get so attached?
I'm not supposed to be catching feelings
But sadly I really did
And i'm not even surprised
I know I can't do so

I don't want to be clinging onto you
But I find myself keep on longing for you
Why do I even feel that way?

It pains me knowing that y're way out of my league
I'm nothing compared to you
I have nothing to offer you
Realizing that you and I have zero chance to be together kills me slowly

I don't want to be hurt someday
But why would I run from something that has never even happened yet?
I don't even want anything from you
You can't even be in love with someone as ruined as I am

Having these feelings are torturous enough
I don't even know if it's a blessing or a curse
Please teach me how to unlike you
Because I couldn't seem to do so myself

It hurts. It really does.

I can't believe I typed all these while crying
Fuck my life

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