2. Bluebell Baby

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"No way-"

"You mean to say that-"

"Is that-"

Clark intervened as Team Flash spluttered in disbelief, not quiet believing what they were seeing with their eyes.

"Alex, Winn and Kara? Yes, yes it is."


AU: In which Team Supergirl and Superman come to ask the help of earth-1 Team Flash when their finest DEO agent, nerdy tech support and residential heroine of earth-38 are stuck in a little, unforeseeable situation. Meanwhile, Barry learns another, fresh new aspect of his gorgeous, crime fighting girlfriend which makes him see her in a new light, causing his love and admiration for her to grow.

Note: Barry and Kara have been dating for a few months, but are in different universes. They started dating after the Music Meister episode and visit each other as often as they can in their free time, so both their friends and families know about them.


Things have been really quiet in Central lately and Barry Allen is suspicious.

Captain Singh had let him go early for finishing his paperwork as he surprisingly had nothing to give his CSI for every case file had been closed or solved for the time being. The Flash wasn't needed out on the streets to stop bank robberies, fight meta-humans or even help cats stuck on a tree with no way of coming down.

He hadn't had this much free time on his hands in such a long time with what being Flash and saving people half the time, working as a CSI to solve cases as Barry Allen and other times visiting his beautiful alien girlfriend that lives 37 universes away from his own.

Just thinking about his girlfriend brought a wide grin on his lips. He had first met her when he accidentally jumped into her universe while testing the tachyon device which would help increase his speed to defeat one of his nemeses, Zoom. He remembered catching her unconscious falling figure by running sideways on a 40 floored building, bringing her to a desert area unintentionally, having underestimated his speed at that time and also making her light pink shirt she was wearing then, catch on fire.

"You're on fire!"

He had been alarmed by that and had went to put it out, only to abruptly backtrack and pullback as he realized it was inappropriate to touch a woman in that area. She had seemed unbothered, regardless of the fact she was literally on fire, and calmly patted out the flames on her chest.

"You don't seem bothered by the fact you're on fire."

"I need to get back to the city."

He had been confused then, not understanding what she was talking about and why she seemed so undisturbed by the fact she was on fire a few moments ago. Before he could question her, she had flown away, revealing her superhero uniform as she dumped her civilian clothing on him, leaving him intrigued as he followed after her.

"That's a new one, I thought I was the impossible."

She had landed in front of him when she had spotted the orange trail of lightning zipping down fast below her and went to investigate only to come face to face with the Flash, soon known as Barry Allen, who needed her help to get back to his own universe. They spend a lot of time in each other's company then, putting their heads together to find a way to get Barry back home and had hit it off with each other right away. When Barry and Kara finally found a way to get Barry back to his universe again, both were sad and unwilling to part from the other, but had no other choice as both had their duties as a hero on their respective earths. Both had missed each other terribly on the time they spent apart but tried to move on, Barry with Iris and Kara with Mon-El. When Barry came to her earth to ask for her help against the Dominators, both were delighted to see each other again, and the feelings that both had tried to bury, resurfaced once again as they fought together side by side.

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