9. Interdimensional Crisis

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She offered him a hand up, which her husband gratefully took, letting her pull him up from the ground. 

 "Thanks babe, but are you sure this isn't because I ate all of the potstickers last week?" 

 Kara's lips twitched up in an amused smile as she raised an eyebrow at her husband, who rubbed his back. 

 "No.. well maybe a little bit. But it is mostly to teach you to keep your guard up, I just thought I could hit two birds with one stone." 

 "I thought as much."


AU: In which Kara and Barry of earth-55 pay an unintentional visit to earth-1, accidentally sucked into a breach to another world. But as a common enemy of both worlds strike, Kara and Barry wonder if their trip to another universe was really as accidental as they previously thought it to be.

NOTE: Kara and Barry of earth-55 are married. Clark dropped Kara off at the capable hands of Moria and Robert Queen after her first foster family, the Danvers, died. Kara is therefore the adopted sister of both Oliver and Thea Queen. Barry and Kara have a kryptonian bond that enables them to feel each other's emotions and talk to each other mentally. Caitlin and Ronnie of earth-55 are also married. Cisco and Winn of earth-55 are brothers. In earth-55, Central and National are not two separate cities but one city. Barry and Iris of earth-1 have currently put their relationship on hold, taking a break from each other. Barry-1 has not found a Kara on his earth, but he had caught an interest in a certain blonde haired heroine in earth-38. Caitlin-1 had told Team Flash about her ice powers beforehand and they were able to help her through it, so she has a good control over Killer Frost. Takes place after Music Meister episode, where Alex and Cisco (Love doesn't always have to be a love interest) saved both Barry and Kara from the musical world. Kara also has trust issues like her brother, but not to the extent of Oliver.

A/N: Dialogue that is in italics and bold means that Barry and Kara are speaking mentally through their bond. See the end of chapter for more notes. 


Earth-55: Streets of Central-National City

Kara sighed as she landed on the ground beside the Flash, watching as the DEO agents secured the rogue alien and took it away, trying to without a groan as her feet wobbled slightly.

"All I want is to spend a peaceful day with my husband, is that so much to ask for?"

The Flash wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder, bringing her closer so that he could lay a kiss on her temple.

"No rest for the weary I'm afraid. You okay?"

"Yeah, I just feel a little drained is all."

Do you have enough energy to fly? I am more than happy to carry you.

I'm fine, just tired. I need some fresh air is all, flying helps me clear my head.

They noticed the pedestrians crowding around the scene and took that as their cue to leave. Kara shot towards the sky in the Supergirl outfit while the Flash followed her on the ground, leaving a trail of orange lightning in his wake.


Earth-55: STAR Labs | Cortex

Kara came out of the STAR labs bathroom in her civilian costume, settling the lead glasses firmly on her nose. She saw Barry typing away on the computer as she walked in the Cortex, noting that both Cisco and Caitlin were not in the room.

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