4. Discover

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"What's it like?"

He turned his head towards her and quirked an eyebrow not quiet understanding what she meant.

"What do you mean?"

"What's it like to fly? To defy gravity?"

He grinned and rose to his feet, dusting his pants off before offering her his hand. Kara looked hesitant, glancing at his hand before gazing into his forest green eyes.

"Why don't you come with me and find out for yourself?"


AU: In which Barry Allen is a Kryptonian refugee from the planet Krypton and Kara Danvers is just a regular human, fascinated with the stars and the space beyond. When Barry revels himself to be the resident superhero 'Superboy' to her, Kara discovers just how little she really knew about her boyfriend.

NOTE: Kara and Barry are dating. Barry is Superboy, the cousin of Clark Kent, Superman. Kara is an astronomer. The rest of Barry's alien origin will be explained in the chapter as you read.

A/N: This idea was suggested to me by @dstroyr8nikh. Thanks again!

P.S. For better experience, start the music exactly when you see the dialogue above depicted in both the image and between the dashed lines in only bold and italics. Happy reading!


A man with brunette hair and forest green eyes dressed in blue jeans and a grey STAR labs shirt chased after a blonde woman dressed in a blue, shimmering sequin dress.

"Kara, wait! Please!"

Kara abruptly stopped and turned around with her arms crossed against her chest, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Barry, I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be the only one who is committed in this relationship."

"Kara, I am committed. I am committed to you! Please.."

Kara released a noise that sounded like a half sob, half laugh, shaking her head as she rolled her eyes. Barry made to grab her hand, but she recoiled from his touch.

"I can't keep pretending that I'm okay every time you disappear or cancel on our dates with little to no explanation as to why. This is the tenth time this month alone Barry! And today was our anniversary!"

"I know Kara, I know. And I'm so sorry, I promise that-"

"No. No more. You should know better than to make promises that you can't keep Barry."


"Where were you?"

She stared intently at Barry as Barry sighed and bit his lip, racking his brain for an excuse.

"I-I was at running a little late, a sudden case popped up that Captain Singh wanted me to look at and I lost track of time."

Kara felt her heart crack further. He was lying to her, she knew it.

"Really? Because I called Iris and Joe half an hour before our date and they both told me that you were out running an errand for them because Captain Singh let you go off early for finishing all your work. And I literally just saw you in that shop.."

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