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"I'm going to get drinks, be right back." You walk to the drink bar, leaving your friends hanging by the couches. You feel someone grab your arm and you get yanked into a room

"Max- oh. Parkinson. What do you want." She locks the door and smirks at you. "I'm going to make one thing clear, that little stunt you pulled in the cafeteria that embarrassed me infront the whole school, was not appriciated. So, now i'm getting my revenge." You roll your eyes and look at her. "Leave me alone, and get out my way parkinson."

"CRUCIO." A rush of pain entered your body and you fell to the ground screaming in pain. Why could no one hear you? Did they not care?

Draco Malfoy
"Whats taking livvy so long?" I look down at max with a worried look on her face. "She'll be fine maxine." She looks up at me with a mean expression. "How would you know."

"Max, relax." Blaise puts his hands on her shoulders trying to calm her. "I'm going to get drinks she's taking too long."

I make my way towards the drink bar when i hear faint screams over the music. "What the fuck is tha- It's probably nothing." I try to ignore it but i hear it again, only 10x louder. "I should really mind me business, but i'm not gonna."

I try and follow the screams and it leads me to a door. I jiggle the nob. shit. Its locked. " ALOHA-MORA" The door swings open and i'm shocked at the sight in front of me.

Olivia Blackwood
She did it again, and again, and again, 6 times in total. I screamed and cried and begged her to stop but each time i did she only did it with more force. I felt myself slowly loosing consciousness, I was giving up and loosing hope up until the door swung open. Pansy immediately dropped her wand and turned around in shock

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" She was screwed. "D-draco i- um- i can explain-n i promise!" He was mad, VERY mad. "YOU FUCKING MONSTER. MOVE." He shoves her out the room and she runs out crying.

"Livvy- Liv, Are you ok??" Out of no where, i passed out. Everything went black.

Draco Malfoy
"FUCK-" She passed out. The person i care about the most, In my arms struggling to stay alive. I picked her up and bolted out the tiny closet with tears streaming down my face.

I ran past Max, Leo, and Blaise which quickly got there attention. They noticed livvy in my hands and ran after me

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED- DRACO??" "SHE WAS FUCKING TORTURED" They followed me as a ran into the Slytherin common room laying her on the couch

"By who!" I looked at them with an annoyed expression, wiping my tears and trying to catch my breath. "Parkinson." "of course. of course i was fucking her! I'm going to kill her. Fucking rip her head off." Max tried to walk away to fine her but blaise held her back. We all kneeled by her as a held her hand hoping she'd wake up soon. "poor livvy."

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