Already tired of it

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"Livvyyyyy" You open your eyes slightly to see Max poking your face. "Good! Your up, Now come on!!" You grab ur suitcase, and walk off the train with Max and meet up with Leo Blaise and Draco waiting for you on the ground. "The train should've trapped you in" Snarled Draco. "Your mother should've swallowed you." You snap back. "HA." "BYE YOU DID NOT" "HOW DOES THAT FEEL MALFOY? LMAOAOA"

You look at Draco and seen him eyeing you down angrily. "Don't be mad, i did nothing but speak the truth." You smirk at him before walking off into the school."

Shortly after you and your friends arrive at the great hall, and take your seats at the Slytherin table as you watch the 1st years get sorted, and Dumbledore giving his boring old speech. "Finally god! All that old man knows how to do is talk." You all snickered at Leos snappy remark. "May the feast begin!" Dumbledore loud voice booms throughout the entire Great Hall.

As you guys are eating you hear a familiar voice, an annoying voice. You turn around and see Pansy Párkinson and her little shit squad. Astoria Greengrass, and Daphne Greengrass. "What do you want now Párkinson." You look up at her and see her looking down with a smug expression. "Aww is the little slut mad?? Is she not in the mood??" Anger, clearly rising in you. "I don't have the time nor the patience, to deal with your shit today." Blaise, Leo, and Max quickly realize your starting to get very upset. "Aww what a shame.. I'm a little bored and, You know what i do when i'm bored? Piss off my favorite little slut."

Out of no where, she dumps a cup of cold water on your head, causing you to yelp. You stand up, look at her, and back hand slap her. HARD. The smirk on her face quickly withered as she holds her cheek in pain. "FUCK YOU PÁRKINSON. FUCK YOU. YOU GOT A REACTION OK? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?" You storm out the great hall with Leo, Blaise, Max, and Draco chasing after you

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