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3:28 pm
I couldn't sleep. I look to the side and see Max, fast asleep with her back turned towards me

I get up, put on PJ pants, and walk to the common room. (You wearing the PJ pants and a black bra)

As i approach the couch i noticed there's someone else's there too. Draco Malfoy. I see him turn around and glance at me

"Oh- Sorry i didn't know you where here- i'll go." Before i can turn around i feel him grab my hand. "No- stay.. it's alright." I was a bit shocked but went along with it. "Ok.."

We sat on the couch and sat it silence for a bit. "..Why are you here?" He looks up at me and i notice a faint expression. "Just couldn't sleep is all.." "Same.." I shift on the couch to get comfy and I end up next to him

"Draco..?" "Hm?" "Are you alright..? Is everything alright? You look like you need somebody to talk to..." "Actually- Um, There is something, but- i cant tell you.. It would just put you all in danger.."

"Draco... You can tell me.. I promise." "Ok.. But please, don't be scared of me... please.." "I promise i won't be!" "...I'm a death eater.."

I was taken by surprise. "....Okkkayyy... Um- How is that impacting you?" You look at him and his eyes start to water. "It's- It's terrible.. My dad is putting so much pressure on me! A-and i have to do it so the Dark Lord will forgive all my fathers past mistakes but- i'm only doing this for my mother.. i don't know what to do it's so stressful- and have the time i can't even focus on one this with everything i have to do-" He just breaks down crying.

My heart broke for him. I never really noticed anything off with him before. "Draco.. It'll be ok, I promise." I brought him in for a hug and he stayed there crying in my arms for a bit. Soon after I layed down on the couch flat on my back and Draco cried with his head on my stomach till we feel asleep.

The next morning..
10:34 pm
Maxine Clearwater

I wake up and look to the side expecting to see Olivia, But no sign of her. I shrug it off thinking she just went for a walk and start heading towards the boys dormitories

I knock on the door and Blaise opens it. "Is livvy in here?" "No, We where just about to ask if Draco was in your dorm?'' "Nope. I woke up alone."

"We'll find them sooner or later." We start walking towards the common room and i see something that shocks me. Olivia and Draco. Cuddling. His head laying on her stomach with his hands wrapped around her back. Her hands entangled in his hair.

"What the fuck-" I look up at Blaise and Leo and see they're just as shocked as i am. "Should we wake them?" "Yes, but first, Let me do this." I watch as Leo takes out his phone and takes a picture of them. "Creep."

Olivia Blackwood

I wake up and start to remember things that happened last night. Draco letting all his feelings out sobbing in my arms.

I slowly start to wake my body up and look around, when i feel Draco start to wake up. I look down at him and see him smiling up at me as he places a kiss on my stomach. I smile back and we get up only to realize our friends standing in the entrance of the common room.

I see a huge smirk grow on Max's face as they run down the steps and flop on the couch across from us. "Soo...." "I promise you it's not what it looks like- We just couldn't sleep so we came down here last night and.. well fell asleep. How did we end in the position? I don't know myself."

"Sureee you don't livvy.. So i hope you don't mind if i send the picture to the 'Hogwarts Hoes' Group chat?" "..What picture?" He dosent reply but takes out his phone and smirks. I get a message notification and see he sent the photo into the group chat that has Me, Draco, Blaise, Max, Leo, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Dean, Seamus, Luna, and Neville.

I look up from my phone and look at Draco and i can see a slight smile on his face. He plays his hand on my thigh in a sweet way, not a sexual way. I look up at him and smile back as he puts his arm around me.

"Ok.. So what if it is what it looks like." I look up at Draco in shock. Did he really want that with me? "Then we'll have no choice, but to support." I look up at Max and see her smiling at me." "You may wanna do something about the whole group chat shipping you guys though." I let out a loud sigh before rolling my eyes. "Just tell them." Leo happily opens his phone before texting in the group chat: "It's official! They made it official!"

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