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All of sudden I wake up and all I hear is blaring sirens of the ambulance. Last thing I remember is walking away from the store tommy and b/n were in. I try sitting up but I'm restrained to the bed in the hospital.

The ambulance people notice I've has woken up and begin to do stuff. (Idk what they do so yeh)

As soon as we arrive to the hospital they rush me into a room and begin doing test.

-timeskip to test results-

Im sitting in the hospital bed, eating some of the food the nurses gave me and drinking some water. A couple minutes later the doctor knocks on the door.

"Hey kiddo,didn't expect to see you anytime soon but here we are." The doctor chuckles Abit.

"Well we did some test,and nothing came up positive. But we do believe what happened was you had a panic attack and sensory overload." He says flipping through pages.

I sit in bed looking at the doctor.

"We're gonna have to keep you here for the night,just to make sure nothing medical is wrong." He adds.

The doctor goes to get my dad then leaves the room.

I get on my phone and pull up twitter,

"Hey! Guess whose back at the hospital,this gal. I'm gonna keep what happened private but I'll be back and ready to stream in a couple months so look forward to that!!"

I post the tweet. Not even a minute later fans are already replying to her tweet. I get lots of love from my fans,and I get dms from close internet friends too. But then I get a text from tommy.

Big man

Big man: Hey woman,I saw what happened at the mall while I was in the store with b/n. Very concerned,please text me as soon as you can please.

I read the message from my notifications so it doesn't show up as read. After minutes of thinking I decide to reply.

Big man

Y/n: Hey tommy,I'm ok! Just had a panic attack and some overstimulation. Nothing to major

Big man: Thank God,don't want my 3rd favorite woman getting even more hurt.

I giggle,knowing that the queen is first,then his mom and finally me.

Y/n: They're gonna keep me over night just for safety reasons,so if you wanna come up a visit my room is,D15.

Big man: I'm on my way with (f/f)!
(Favorite food)

I laughs and replys then sets my phone down.

-timeskip to when tommy arrives-

Im searching through channels on the hospital tv.

"Stupid fucking tv,don't got shit to watch," I say to myself. I hear a knock.

"Come in!" I shout

"Heyyyyy how's my third favorite woman doing?" Tommy says entering the room and setting down my food.

"Better now that you're here,the damn tv doesn't have shit to watch." I say blushing Abit

Tommy laughs Abit,
"Hospital tvs never have anything good to watch." He snickers.

"You got a point there," i say grabbing my food.

We talk for Abit and i eat my food. After about 40 minutes the doctor comes in a tells tommy it's time for him to go home. Tommy stands up and says bye then kisses my forehead and leaves.

Hey! I think that 2-3 chapters today! Hope you guys are enjoying it so far:)

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