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Oh my god,did tommy just ask me out?! No way,holy shit.

"Yes tommy,I will be your girlfriend," I say smiling.

Tommy picks me up and squeezes me tightly spinning in excitement.
Tommys face is lit up and he's smiling.

"I didn't think you'd say yes," tommy says putting me down.

"Why would I say no to you," I say looking at him,"you're amazing and so kind,sometimes but that's not the point."

Tommy blushes Abit,
"Well now that your my girlfriend I can do this," he says kissing me.

I giggle and break the kiss,
"Tommy we kissed way before we even dated."

"I know but it feels better now that were dating," tommy says smiling.

My phone dings and I check it.
"I got to go my dad needs me," I say.

"Ok,text me when you can please," tommy says with puppy eyes.

"I will don't worry," I say kissing tommy one more time before I leave.

I start smiling and go inside. I sir down on the couch because I know my dad didnt need me.

"So about you and tommy not dating," my dad says teasingly.

"Wait,you saw that?!!!" I say with shock.

"I did,and aslong as he makes you happy," my dad says smiling,"now get ready were gonna go get something to eat."

"Ok gimme a minute," I say heading up to my room to grab new socks.

"Where are we going to eat?" I ask.

"You'll see,were going with some people too," my dad says.

People?? My dad never goes out with people to eat unless it's tommy and his parents. But tommy already said he was busy tonight.

-timeskip to when they get to the restaurant-

I get out of the car walking looking at my phone. I'm still curious about who were going to dinner with.

We get inside and we get to a table then wait for whoever my dad invited to get there.

I sit on my phone scrolling through twitter and tiktok until they get here. When they got her I looked up and,
Oh my's b/n.

I haven't talked to her since her and tommy broke up. She hates me! Dear god why did my dad invite them to dinner.
I immediately text tommy because I don't know what to do.

Big man

Y/n: guess what

Big man: what now?

Y/n: my dad invited b/n and her parents out to dinner! What do I do

Big man: oh shit,he really did that?

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