Tonight we are capturing the mafia's underboss, Nakahara Chuuya

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Hello everyone!!!! Some quick notes before I get started :) First this is set exactly 4 years later (the night Chuuya proposed to him) and this is after everyone defeats the guild. There are some huge differences though such as: Dazai and Chuuya never fought love craft, when Atsushi was kidnapped the flashback will be different then from how it was in the anime, Dazai was never kidnapped and the rest is a surprise 😊. Thank you guys and back to the story,

4 years later

Today, 4 years ago was that dreadful day. The day my lover poured his heart out, the day he asked me to marry him. The day I said yes and I would be with him till death due us part. And that was the day I left him, my lover, my fiancé, Nakahara Chuuya.

Dazai tried to shake off his thoughts as he put his earphones on listening to his suicide song. He hummed the tune completely forgetting about the work the agency needed him to do. He was only reminded when Kunida-kan ripped off his headphones yelling at him on why yet again he was being lazy.

"DAZAI!!!! YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES!! WHY ARE YOU JUST SITTING HERE?! WE HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO GET DONE!" Dazai waited for him to finish his rant before doing his over dramatic sigh.

"But Kunida-kaaaann I'm tiredddd." He pouted as the blonde man rubbed his temples trying not to lash out again.

"Well Dazai we need your help." He stated calmly, "Its about the port mafia, and we need to capture the underboss to get some information on what the mafias next move is. You used to be with the mafia so the agency agreed that you would be our best shot."

"Ohh fineeee. You owe me a day off though Kunida-kan." He winked knowing this would irritate the blonde. Kunida-kan just scoffed rolling his eyes giving the brunette a death glare. Dazai sat up and now thought about who could be the underboss. He had some guesses but depending on the person it could be pretty hard to trick them.

"Oh I forgot to ask you, who is it exactly we're kidnapping, wait lemme rephrase that, who are we questioning? You said the underboss and well that used to be me, but who is it now?

Kunida-kan pulled out a piece of paper showing a picture of a short ginger, with blue eyes, a hat and a wicked devilish grin.

"We are going to be capturing Nakahara Chuuya."

Dazai had a huge lump in his throat as he heard Chuuya's name. He had thousands of thoughts running through his head. He couldn't see Chuuya, it has been 4 years, and it would break his heart to only see the ginger because they are interrogating him. The rest of the agency walked in ad they headed towards the two men to see what they were disscussing about.

"Kunida-kan did you tell Dazai what the plan is to capture Nakahara Chuuya tonight? Fukazawa asked as he took a sip of his tea. The blonde just shook his head.

"I was just about to tell Dazai our idea to capture him." Ranpo just walked in with his bags of chips, setting them down on the desk before pointing towards Dazai.

"Dazai you are the idea we had for capturing Chuuya. You were one of the top five executives and were the underboss. We all agreed you would know something about the new one, and what lengths we would need to go to get that information."

Dazai practically choked on his own spit hearing the words come out of Ranpo's mouth. He calmed himself down looking at everyone around him before speaking.

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