Beginning Life

18 3 3

I was born when my parents were 18, my mother having to hide her pregnancy until after graduation because she went to a private Christian school.

While in her senior year, she went on a cruise to Mexico, so I have kinda been to Mexico. Just not physically, or where I could see anything lol.

Anyway, my father had already dropped out. He failed Algebra A, which I think used to basically be what we know as Algebra 1 today, but I could be incorrect.

Because he failed Algebra his 9th grade year, he had to retake the class and after not passing it again, dropped out.

Why am I telling you this? This was before my birth. What relevance to my life does this have?

Just wait. You'll see.

The first two years of my life I was raised by my grandmother (mom's mom) and my aunt (mom's sister). Occasionally, my mother, as well.

During that time, my mother had a fight with her parents and made a decision to move out, taking me with her. We moved to Emmett, Arkansas, which is on the other side of Hope, Arkansas, and I almost developed asthma.

Shortly after that, we moved back in with my grandparents. Where's my father, you ask? Oh, yeah! For the first two and a half years of my life my father was basically mia.

He occasionally showed up for birthday parties but any other time, mom had to track him down for us to see each other.

This was my life beginning.

Only little did I know,
it wasn't going to be fun...

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