School Life

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My home life sucked, which we'll get into during later chapters. My school life did but didn't suck.

I wasnt just really mean in the lower years of elementary. I was pretty nice up until about 4th grade. Even though I wasn't mean though, I still always got in trouble.

For what? Drama. That's what.

There were these 2 boys that liked me, and still do. We met in Kindergarten. One of them got held back in Kindergarten the year before, putting him in my grade.

I remember that both of them would get a group of guys to chase me around the playground until I agreed to "date" one of them.

I would make them do little competitions to see who appealed to my emotions at that time.

Yeah... Not my proudest moments. But please remember I was an elementary student, and some of them do crazy crazy things.

When I was little, I wanted nothing more than everyone else to approve of and like me.

So, I brought a knife to school in third grade. Not smart. Let's just say, I got suspended for 2 days and it wasn't fun...

Earlier in that same year, I bit one of the girls I didn't really like at that time...

I was a little devil, but assure ya that I am no where near that same person.

Last year, I transferred schools and was an outsider there as well, but it somehow helped my confidence.

I came back to my original school this year and love it so much, though things have obviously changed!


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