A Boy

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Growing up has not been easy for me and there have been many times that I planned to run away or thought of suicide.

That's another reason I love my little brother with all my heart, without him, I would be dead.

The background on that will be shown in the next chapter of this story though.

Oh! And my amazing little bro cannot get all the credit for keeping me alive, as I have a magnificent guy in my life, who I can honestly say, for the first time in my life, I would love to spend the rest of my life with him.

This part of the story does get extremely confusing and complicated though, so I'll try not to take it too fast.

I have never physically met this amazing boy. How do you know he's real, then? Honestly, I don't. But it's be extremely tricky to pull off background sounds, looks, phone numbers, and more.

I have faith that he is who he's supposed to be and if I'm wrong, then a least one day I'll know.

He is 17 years old. He turns 18, two months after I turn 16. Now, you are entitled to your own opinion, but keep in mind that it's not your life and I can do what I want.

This boy lives like 2-3 states away from me, but loves me.

I love him, and am so glad I found him.

*A/N: Skip to next chapter, if you don't wanna read the feelings portion!*

He asked me months ago why I chose him when there was another guy that liked me. To be honest, I won't lie and say that I don't care about this other guy, because I do.

Always have and always will. Does that mean I choose him over D? No. Btw, D is the amazing guy I was talking about.

So, why did I choose D over C?

Because D makes me feel special. He makes me forget that I hate my body, and that I always envy other girls for one reason or another.

He makes me forget that my parents are divorced. He makes me forget that I have fears. He gives me confidence that I never knew I had.

He makes me forget that I hate my life. He gives me hope for a better life even when I'm about ready to give up on love as a whole.

My entire life has been a lie, and there have been so many people played in the last two months that it makes me want to stay single.

What about D though? Idk, what about him? He's an amazing guy. He loves me for who I am. He is observant, which you have to be when dealing with me.

He loves me enough to die "doing something good". His words, not mine. He is an amazing person who brings out the best in me, and in the future, I can picture us being married. Be married and happy for forever. With kids of course, but I'm NOT ready for that right now. One day, yes. Right now? XDXDXD


He's a life saver (literally) and idk what I would do without him!!

Comment whichever one(s) it will let you if you read all the way to the end: 💯💋✨(Thx, love y'all! 💜)

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