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My father was around from about the time I was two and a half to now. You're probably wondering why he would wait two and a half years.

Well, I have three answers for ya:
1) He wasn't ready to be a dad
2) He didn't like me calling someone else "daddy"
3) He was to busy with drugs, like cocaine, to care

If I hadn't started calling mom's then-boyfriend "daddy" he might would've stayed gone. He might would have come back eventually. I can't rightly say, because I don't know. I can only think and have an opinion on the matter.

When he came back, they began dating again. He proposed to her and then a couple weeks later, they found out that she was pregnant.

At the time, all I knew was that Mommy was giving me a sibling. Well, ya know how some kids know what gender they want their sibling?

That was me. I wanted a baby sister. I wanted one so bad, because I could do her makeup,  hair, and clothes!

Alas, that did not happen, because about 3 months later, I found out it was a boy, not a girl. I remember telling my mom that I didn't want a baby brother, to send him back, but as soon as I laid my eyes on him, it was a completely different story.

I loved him with all my heart and still do. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him. He's my weakness, and I can only say that about 3 other people in my life.

*Do y'all have siblings? If so, how many? Do u enjoy them, or do you wish they'd go away? Comment and lemme know!

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