his name

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i recommend listening to Lullaby by UMI to set the vibe. there will be more songs included, and i will warn you of where the next song will be.
enjoy  :)

chapter 1 - his name

"fuck, school is really stressing me out" i thought to myself, looking out the window in front of me. i sighed while resting my face on the palm of my hand, music playing loudly in my headphones.

"im a teenager, i should not stay at home studying 24/7 all week."

i took a break from all the work and studying to get some fresh air. while i headed out i quickly took my phone in my pocket, not stopping the music that was playing.

the music was loud in my ears, almost like i separated myself from the world.

"hey y/n? look, im hanging out with a few friends later, and i really think you should come this time. i hate seeing you locked up in your room all day. let me know if you want to come :) -evelyn"

evelyn, my best friend who likes to live on the fucking edge. we love each other to death, but we dont spend that much time together.

she likes to party, while i rather like to stay at home with friends, just hanging out. surprisingly, she wasnt going to a party this time.

"what time is it?"

"10pm." i whispered, as i checked my phone. i didnt even realize that ive been studying for so long. i hurried back to my room, finally making up my mind to go hang out with evelyn and her friends.

"ill go, but only because i need a break." i wrote back to evelyn.

getting ready is pretty quick and easy for me. i put on some makeup and an outfit and im basically ready.

people never take me as the popular type. im sort of the girl that everyone knows of, but im not the talk of school.

i never really pay attention to any boys either. most seem to be a waste of time, so i dont really bother.

a text popped up on my phone "hey, you better be ready in 10. heading out now :p" it was from evelyn.

i did some touch-ups on my hair, and sprayed on some quick perfume. i wondered what type of friends evelyn would introduce me to this time.

evelyn picked me up, and we were headed to atsumus house. she was wearing the tightest shirt i had ever seen.

she and atsumu had a thing, it was so fucking toxic. still, they would always run back to each other in the end.

we arrived, and soon enough we were inside.

atsumus house was actually pretty big. he was one to throw a party, which is one of the reasons why him and evelyn got so along. they were both party animals, both- usually the life of the party.

evelyn was walking in with the brighest smile on her face, while i was on her side standing there awkwardly.

[play Sex, Drugs, Etc by Beach Weather]

i immediately heard the loud music. this type of vibe was actually pretty chill. we sat down on the couch while atsumu was getting us drinks.

to my suprise, there were barely any people here. As far as i could see, i only saw me, evelyn, atsumu and 1 other guy.

i had never seen him before. his dark brown hair was combed down, kind of messy. his eyes were sharp. his hands and wrist were covered in rings and bracelets. he seemed to catch my attention faster than anyone.

"hey-" he said in a raspy, deep voice.

"havent seen you before." he spoke again, rolling up a blunt.

"im y/n. im a friend of evelyn. and you?"

"suna. im a friend of atsumu." he said, not once looking up from the blunt.

suna, what a pretty name. so short yet so intriguing.

i had lost focus of my surroundings. i didnt notice that evelyn and atsumu were standing in the kitchen, leaving me and suna alone in the living room.

suna had finished rolling up his blunt. i watched him fascinated as he lit it up, taking the first hit.

"do you wanna smoke?" he asked, slighty gesturing the blunt as a sign for me to take it.

he asked me with such casualty while i was speechless. ive never felt this intimidated by a boy before.

suna was nothing special. so what was i stressing about? as far as i knew, he was just a normal boy with a pretty face..and a pretty name..and his eyes- which were slowly turning red after every hit he took. fuck..

the hell is with this feeling?

"hey, i asked if you wanted to smoke?" he asked again with a dominant and demanding voice.

"oh shit, sorry. im good- for now." i said, almost TREMBLING. i had never tried smoking before. it would be embarrassing if were to start dying in front of a boy i had just met.

«do you smoke often?" i asked out of curiosity.

"no, not really. i mostly vape, but on special occasions like this i can roll up a quick blunt." he explained, smirking.

"why is this a special occasion? arent you used to hanging out with evelyn and atsu?" i tilted my head at him.

"yeah- but you are here." he said back.

i looked back again at evelyn and atsumu as i was starting to get awkward. i saw them standing there laughing, being flirty. i looked down at my shoes waiting for something to happen.

"you know-" suna started.

"it is actually pretty nice having some company. im always third wheeling THOSE two." he said while looking over to the kitchen.

"evelyn is always telling me about how much fun she has with atsumu, but she never mentioned another person being there?" i answered, trying to make small talk.

"y/n...i like your name." he said before taking another hit, completely ignoring what i just said.

i felt my heart skip a beat as he said my name slowly. he was still not looking at me. his eyes were looking straight towards the wall he was facing, while my eyes were glued to him. what was it that pulled me so strongly to him?

y/n and suna. his name, sounding so good next to mine. my thoughts began to wander. why do i want him so much?

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