high on him

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i recommend you listen to Nervous by The Neighbourhood to set the vibe. enjoy the story :)

chapter 3 - high on him

«im not begging for anything, especially not from you." i rolled my eyes, looking away from him.

"have i started making you so nervous that you cant keep eye contact with me anymore?" he said, leaning closer to my face.

my legs were around him, his arms wandering from my waist to my thighs.

his face and his lips just inches away from mine. the tension was real. the temperature was rising.

i started panting due to how thick the air felt like. going in and out of my lungs. the air between me and him was something else.

his head was resting on my forehead. he was looking down on me, into my eyes. fuck, the color of his eyes were a perfect mixture of green and yellow. ive never seen anyone with such pretty eyes.

"look at you, not even responding to my-"

i pulled him closer to me by his hoodie. stopping him from finishing his cocky sentence. there was no space left between us. he was caught by suprise, and his eyes widened.

"you do not make me nervous." i said, almost whispering into his mouth.

"i dont? well why do you tremble under my touch? why do you have to catch your breath every time i say your name? why are you staring at me as if im the only thing that you want?" he said into my ear, putting his hands on my back. going up and down with his cold rings on my warm skin.

he was right. hes the only person who has ever made me feel this good. i do tremble under his touch. i do have to catch my breath every time he says my name. he really IS the only thing that i want.

it was dark. the whole house was dark. suna had put on no lights. the moonlight was shining down on us from the window right by the kitchen sink.

"your rings suna." i trembled. fuck, i had to stutter right after he was telling me about how nervous he makes me.

"see? my touch intoxicates you." he smirked.

[play Streets by Doja cat]

i couldnt take it anymore. i pulled him in, kissing his lips. me and him making out, my fingers going through his hair, messing it up slightly.

shit hes a good kisser.

"behave y/n." he pulled back. he took his thumb slowly wiping the corner of his mouth as he looked away.

"what? was i just gonna sit here and watch you stare at me?" i clapped back.

"youuuuu really think someone as classy as me would do it on a kitchen counter?" he said, mocking me from what i said earlier.

"yes, yes you would. if you could do it in outside, you could DEFINITELY do it at home on your kitchen counter." i said back.

he laughed at me before lifting me up to his bedroom. he threw me on his bed, slowly getting on top of me.

he started kissing my neck, leaving hickeys all over. he took off his hoodie, making my eyes look him up and down, fascinated by his toned abs.

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