TᖇᗩᑭᑭEᗪ ᗷIᖇᗪ

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With each harsh clash of metal on metal, you couldn't help but flinch and curl deeper into yourself, holding your legs closer to your chest and squeezing your eyes shut tighter- knowing that your pleads would simply fall on deaf ears.

Without you even realizing it, a ringing began in your ears and your chest became tight. What felt like hands began to wrap around your windpipe- crushing the only entrance to your lungs and causing your eyes to sting and water up.

But despite your mind becoming overwhelmed with the need to struggle for air, your body fought back and stayed locked in place- refusing to relax itself from the protective ball it had locked itself in. With your mind telling the body to open up, and the body refusing to allow so, deeming everything dangerous and unsafe to be laxed for some 'precious air', you were quick to be lost in an internal battle.

And so dread was quick to settle in; with the mind panicking and the body refusing to cooperate, you were a slave to your own body's war, unable to obtain order as you struggled back for control- trying to will your muscles to relax and regaining a hold of your mind to calm down all at once.

But through the internal battle, you heard a voice- muffled and far at first before appearing to be quickly getting closer.

No, they couldn't get near you! They had to stay away!

Even in your desperate and broken situation, you had been considerate of someone else's safety above your own- something that your father had always seemed to remind you to be careful about and not do, while your self-proclaimed 'guardian' seemed to thrive under your attentive self.

Of all things you had wished and willed yourself to not regret....

Your thoughts were immediately interrupted at the feeling of the stranger placing their hand on your back and beginning to rub soothing circles into you. Your body seemed to take positively to their action for it slowly relaxed and allowed air to flow back in itself and wash away the panic that had taken over your for a few moments- although it had felt more like forever.

Within a couple more seconds, your body had fully relaxed once more from its tense muscles and locked joints- but even with you having back control of yourself, you refused to fully unfurl yourself from your ball. It seemed though, that it may not have been the right decision- for with the wave of exhaustion overcoming you, you unintentionally leaned against the stranger.

But even with an exhausted body, your ever running mind was quick to try to push yourself off of them- only for them to instead pull you closer to them.

With a feeling of disgust and fear mixed running through you, you placed your arms on their chest and pushed back to create some distance between you two and warn them of the dangers to come- despite feeling wary of them. After all, no one else should have to suffer because of you, and no one else should have to get hurt because of you-

But the second your eyes locked on the blue/brown heterochromia eyes and endearing smile, you froze in place; all comfort you had those precious seconds immediately thrown out the window.

How nice it would have been to have any remaining energy left to continue the fight.

Here's the rewrite!

Further plans for them will be finalized after the story :)

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