Chapter 1

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Start writing your story

Important A/n at the end.

Also please let me know about any typos!


A field trip sounds fun. Oh, we're only studying rocks? That's ok. I don't remember the last time I've been on a trip with so many people before. This seems exciting.

A field trip? Well, I'm sure you already know my answer to that.

...ah, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to go. I have things I must do and take care of here.

The teacher looked down at the returned permission slip with the red 'X' by the 'Shall not attend' box before looking back up at (Y/n) politely awaiting his response.

"Unable to come again, (Y/n)?"

"No, I'm afraid not. I'm needed at home and my father needs my help sorting some things on time." A smooth reply.

"If it's transportation and timing that's an issue, then we can help accommodate for that," The teacher was pretty insistent on her attendance.

"My father doesn't want anyone else to drive me anywhere." Ah, well, the father probably had his own worries. But even so...

"If you don't attend, I'll have to give you some paperwork to take home and complete," Although he'd honestly rather not.

"That's fine. My father said he would actually much prefer that instead." Seems like she wasn't going to budge on this one. Much less have any interest in actually attending.

With an almost inaudible sign, the teacher simply dismissed (Y/n) with the instruction of picking up some paper assignments in a few days' time to make up for her absence on the upcoming trip.

And with a simple nod and dismissal, (Y/n) walked back to her seat and began preparing for her upcoming class lesson alongside her other classmates.

This makes about the 25th trip she wasn't able to join since she began attending this school.

With a quick clap for attention from the teacher in the front, all the students quickly stopped talking and began to copy notes down from the overhanging projector, waiting for any more instructions.

As the hours ticked on by, and class subject changed by the hour, not a peep escaped from the still girl apart from answering any questions that she may have been called to answer. Not even peeking out of the window next to her, where the sunlight shone on the magnificent garden her school took care of was able to capture her attention - or even the butterfly that had curiously flapped its way up to the window to observe her was able to enamor her.

She had remained unwavering in her seat. Wanting nothing more than to get the best grades she could possibly get, and so that she would not have to have anything repeated to her during her homework time when she got home.

Slowly she came to a stop, leaving her classmates and teacher to continue on with their activity without her. And slowly, almost cautiously, she closed her eyes.

This...this was her routine.


The drive back home was silent, apart from the usual small chat her and her father engaged in on a day to day basis.

"How was school?"

"Any homework to do?"

"What were your teachers teaching today?"

"Did your teacher take the permission slip? Good."

"Did you talk with anyone new?"

And of course,

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