Chapter 2

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The sounds from before never stopped. Some days, you would hear multiple clangs. On others, maybe just one. But they all still came from the same direction: over the fence, the hill, and across the creek.

Since you had returned from her little exploration the other day, your father hadn't mentioned a word about your little adventure- not that you were aware if he knew or not. But from the way he would always be happily humming a tune in the kitchen or working in his office, you could tell that he's been in a good mood and is ultimately unaware.

So, you kept going. You kept going towards the edge of the large garden just to hear the distant sound of clanging and banging. Just to peer over the vegetation, and up the hill, towards where the sound came from.

Sometimes you'll simply stand and stare for a couple minutes in a daze, trying to catch a difference in its tone, or the slightest bit of a shift in the distance noises- just to see if she could have the slightest guess on what was going on.

"(Y/n), going out again today?" You paused by the backdoor upon hearing your father speak up from the kitchen. Looking over to him, you had to hold back the laughter that almost escaped from your mouth. The sight of cookie ingredients such as flour and raw dough smeared across his face and his pink, frilly apron wasn't exactly one you were preparing yourself for.

Quickly clearing your throat, you composed yourself. "Yeah, I just wanted to go out some more."

"Well then, I can only wonder what has your interest so much outside,"

"..." You looked to the side. Should you tell him? Would he flip out? Would he end up not letting you out for a couple of days? Although it seems way too much for a parent to do, you wouldn't put it past your father to do it. More so, you didn't want to risk lying to him, only for him to find out the truth later one.

He always seems to be able to do that.

And with the close relationship you had with your father, seeing as it is only the two of you, you wouldn't dare betray his trust in such a way.

Looking back up at him, you couldn't help but wring your hands together. "I've been, hearing some noises past the edge of the garden the past week."

Your father paused, slowly taking off the yellow rubber ducky cooking mittens before setting them on the kitchen counter.

"What kind of noises?"

"Um...some clanging and bangs? It kind of sounds like some construction going on, over the hill."

"Hmm," Your father rubbed his chin in thought. "Yeah, there might be some construction going on in the area. I wouldn't be surprised if Lamoille started expanding." He then craned his neck to the side and a few pops were heard, relief immediately painting across his face. "I'll see what kind of construction they're doing another time. Just make sure you don't go exploring it."

You couldn't help but smile in relief. "Okay! I'll be back soon!" And with that, you ran out the door and into the vegetation.

Although, you did forget to close the door behind you.

With a small chuckle, your father shook his head and walked over to slowly slide the door closed until it was but a crack away from completely closing.

He couldn't help but peer out to where you ran to, simply enjoying the thought that you were able to relax in the garden he spent years working on.

But upon seeing a light sheen of smoke drift up over the trees and into the sky, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.



There it was again! Over and over, getting louder and louder with each sound before quieting down- only to repeat itself again. This is the most noise you've heard from over the hill in the past few days, and there were some new sounds that were heard as well, ones you haven't heard of before.

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