Chapter Four

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Hello, Kylo Ren.

Ben is standing in a black room. He can't see anything. The sound of a large light flipping on rings out. Startled, he spins around. Shielding his eyes for a moment, he squints against the bright white light. There's someone there, but he can't make them out.

My name isn't Kylo.

It is to me.

My name isn't Kylo.

What can I do to get you to join me?

Ben felt the Dark Side swirl around him. It assaulted his senses. It was a familiar feeling. It brought him some semblance of comfort, like an old friend he haven't seen for a decade.


That's a lie. Everything has a price, dear Kylo. And soon, Kylo Ren, soon I will figure out what yours is.

Ben bolted up in bed. The sheets were tangled around himself. For a moment he sat, panting, trying to calm himself down. Instinctively, he reached out Armitage. His hand touched an empty spot instead.

Ben swung his feet off the side of the bed and held his head. That hadn't been just a nightmare. Someone had been talking to him.

Ben got to his feet and wordlessly dressed himself. As he slipped out into the night, he was surprised by the chill. His breath puffed out in a cloud. Shivering, he wrapped his cloak tightly around himself and headed towards where Rey lived.

She had gotten a new door. This time he didn't rip it off, instead knocking gently. It took a little while for Rey to answer. She looked disheveled, and she obviously had been asleep.

"Sorry," Ben said immediately.

Rey waved her hand, yawning. "It's OK, it's OK. Come in."

As soon as the door shut, Ben turned to her. "Someone was talking to me."


"In my sleep--in my dreams."

Despite the tired circles under her eyes, she looked alarmed. "Who?"

"I don't know. It was a woman. She kept calling me Kylo."

Rey yawned again. "Was it just a dream?"


Rey suddenly looked alert. She walked over, looking up at him with wide eyes. "We have to tell your mother."

Ben walked away from her. "I know."

"Did anything significant happen?"

"She said--" his voice broke and he shivers at the memory. "She said that she wants me to join her."

"Was it the Sith?"

Ben rubbed his head. "I don't know. Logically, probably. But I couldn't see her eyes."

Rey reached out and took his arm, looking worried. "Ben, you're shaking."

"She said that everything has a price, and that she'd find out mine."

Rey hugged him and he hugged her back. He closed his eyes, beginning to cry. "I'm scared, Rey."


"What do you mean, gone on assignment!?"

Leia looked up at Ben. "I mean he went on assignment."


"On a scouting mission. Did he not tell you?"

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