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January 14

I grabbed my keys and left the house. Bernice and I aren't talking. It's crazy. I thought we won't be at this point again but here we are. We're just giving each other space. I know she's mad at me. I shouldn't have said that her dream was stupid. That's what pushed her. I have to apologize for that.

I don't think I'm being selfish. I don't want her to go but it's not for a selfish reason. If I told her why maybe she'll understand. I made a promise that I wasn't going to cheat on her again. I intend to keep that promise even if we're not on good terms. I really do love her and she loves me too. I want to be by her side and I can't if she's in New York.

I pulled up to Bernice's place and parked my car along the street. I got out of the car and rang the doorbell. Bernice's car is here with a couple others. I just hope she won't be the one to answer the door. "Hey." Violet said. "Hi." I said awkwardly. I've barely spoken to Violet. She let me into the townhome. My cousin breaking up with her makes it more awkward.

"The kids are with Bernice. You can have a seat while I go and get them." She told me. I sat down and Kaylee sent me a text that she'll be coming over later. Jaquan is also coming over later for us to just hang out. My phone started ringing. I answered it.

"Hi mom." I said. "Where have you been?" She asked. I haven't had time to call or visit her. She mostly visits me and the kids. She says it has to be reciprocal. "I've got a lot of stuff going on. I'm trying to quit the drug business." I told her.

"That's good. How's Bernice and the kids?" He She questioned. "They're good." I partially lied. "Ok. When are you bringing my grandkids over?" She asked. "I will when I'm available." I said. "Ok. Don't forget to call me." She reminded. "I won't. Bye mom." I said. "Bye son." The call ended just in time. I stood up and the kids ran to me. Well, Ashley crawled.

I hugged Aaron and then picked Ashley up. "How are you two?" I asked. "Good." Aaron said. Ashley tried copying him. I tickled her. She's so cute. "Did y'all eat?" I asked. "Yes. Mommy fed us." Aaron said. Aaron turned four last week. We celebrated it with just family. We don't really have friends so it was good that way. Violet helped me put them and their things in the car.

I took them out to get some ice cream. Ashley made a mess on her shirt. I shouldn't have gotten her a cone. She needs one in a cup instead. When we headed home both of them were sleeping. It's Ashley's nap time but Aaron doesn't take naps. Something had to have worn him out.

Jaquan is on his way. I ordered pizza and chicken wings. "Daddy, I'm hungry." Aaron came into the living room. I got up from the couch. "I'll go get you something from the kitchen." I went to the kitchen and gave him a lunchable which will keep him till the food gets here. "Let me go check on your sister." I told Aaron. I left him and went upstairs to their room. I don't want Ashley to sleep alone so her and her brother are in the same room.

Ashley's still sleeping. I have to wake her up or she won't sleep through the night. I carried her from her crib and she opened her eyes. "Daddy." Ashley said. "Hey mama." I smiled at her. I noticed her diaper was wet. I changed it. I heard the doorbell ring and we went downstairs. I put her down near Aaron who is playing with his toys.

A couple minutes after the delivery guy came Jaquan arrived. "How's it going with Raina?" I inquired. He put some food on his plate. "We've just been talking. I've told her that I love her but she hasn't given me an answer yet." He mentioned. "She's taking her time. I'm sure she'll agree." I assured. The kids are playing on their iPad. We sat down and watched some soccer.

"You did what?" Kaylee asked. I just told her what's going on between Bernice and I. "August you are so stupid." She mentioned. "What did I do wrong?" I asked. Kaylee hit my arm. "Are you broken?" She asked. I glared at her. I'm not in the mood for her jokes. "How can you even ask that question? Instead of giving her an ultimatum you could've compromised with her." She informed me.

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