Chapter 1

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Warning, this story has been rated T for carton violence. LETS GET ON WITH THE SHOW!

When the appearance of quirks first came onto the world, many were ecstatic of the notion of the human race reaching a new stage of evolution. Others were afraid of the implications that would come about with this in their daily lives. In the end however, they learned to accept it and it slowly became a part of their society. As decades passed, the number of people who would receive these powers, or "quirks" as they were called, increased, and soon their whole worldview changed. As their lives were made much easier with quirks, some have taken them for granted and began using them for nefarious purposes. The government became aware of the situation and began to form an organization dedicated to maintaining peace and order, bringing these villains to justice. From there, the roles of heroes began to take its place. The superhero fantasy that was in the minds of every young child became a reality. In the age of spandexed crime-fighters and superpowers, one could claim that they have seen everything.

But that would not be the case. Not by a long shot.


Today would be considered the most memorable day for the young woman known as Inko Midorya. Many months of hard work and blood, sweat and tears have now bear fruit. It was a good thing too, since she wasn't sure how much longer she could handle it. In the end, it was all worth it, as she hold her little Izuku in her arms. While she did have to spend some extra days at the hospital, that did not stop her. In fact, she will take any excuse for her to look after her baby boy. That is until the novelty quickly wore off after a few days. Now she was just irritated.

The only thing that made this day just a bit damper was the fact that her husband was not around to witness this joyous occasion. She would have to let him know how she was later on when she gets back from the hospital. Really, its understandable that she has to do all this 'extra precaution' business, but come on. There were no complications according to the doctor, and she wasn't of risk of any type of health concerns after the birth of her child. So really, it would be great to get out. She voiced as such to the medical staff.

However, the doctor did not agree with her. "Mrs. Midoriya, I understand that you want to enjoy spend time with your newborn with the comfort of your own home, but please understand that we want to be absolutely sure that nothing will come up when you get discharged, which will be within the next week.".

"Next week?, but I feel perfectly fine. Also, I don't know if we can be able to afford staying in the hospital more than necessary.". Which was true for the most part. Although she went into labor much earlier than expected, the ride to the hospital was practically smooth sailing. She certainly didn't feel anything when she was getting prepared and given medication to help with her contractions.

"Well, that is true ma'am. There weren't anything serious that had occurred when you were checked in but... there was somethings that we could not figure out." The Doctor said nervously.

"Wait, what do you mean by that Doctor?", Inko began to panic. " Don't tell me that there's something wrong with my baby!"

" Oh heavens no! I assure you that he has been given a clean bill of health. Its just that there was a bit of an... anomaly when you were given the medication." The Doctor explained, " You see, the medication was to help with the pains that would no doubt come with the process of childbirth. But then your stomach began to..."

"Began to... what?"

"It began to move around. A lot. As in a lot of movement that would not be normal for a newborn to have the energy to do. It was as if the baby itself was trying to punch its way out of the stomach. You were still trying to push and was still under the influence of the anesthesia that was provided, so it wasn't felt as painful as it should be." The Doctor chuckled when he saw the shocked expression on the mothers' face. " Don't worry, your insurance will be able to cover most of the costs. We just needed to make sure that the baby didn't do anything inside that would harm you in the long run."

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