Chapter 2

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Aldera Junior High School, the primary school for the young, hormone filled little moro- I mean wonderful teens that lived in the small town of Musutafu. Yes, this is the typical Japanese school that, for some reason, appeals to westerners. The place where normal school activities takes place. The place where the many young ones of the town work to become the next line of normal, productive, disciplined, and delightfully composed members of soci-

BOOOM! CRASH! CRACK! BLAM! SLAP! Well, at least it WAS before lunchtime.

The sudden noises had startled the principal from his work at the office, now littered all over the floor along with the rest of his belongings. He wonders how the place trembles each time an incident occurs, but then realizes what reality he is in. Then he berates himself for the idiotic nature of his question. Don't worry, everyone else thinks you are a moron as well. Screams and yelling can be heard past his door as the frantic pitter-patter of students got the hell out of dodge. One teacher decided to burst through the door to his office to help him hear it up close. The poor man is sweating violently with his clothes in extreme disarray.

"Sir! We have another situation in our hands! You need to get to the cafeteria NOW!"

The Principal could only pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation. If you can hear very closely, he is contemplating which god he pissed off to the point of being given this much of divine punishment. That, or how he was close to consider early retirement. Not sure, don't quite care. Either way, he would have to call the parents... and the authorities... and his therapist, along with several contractors... again. Thank god for quirk-based insurance.


Meanwhile, in No Man's Land, aka Cafeteria.

The area was one would expect if someone decided to start a food-fight, took it too far, then proceeded to fix it by making it an ACTUAL fight. All in all, it was absolute hell. Chunks and bits of food and beverages were pattered everywhere, along with pieces of tables and chairs. Burn marks and human-sized holes where outlined in the walls. The other students caught in the crossfire were tending to their wounded and fleeing from the battlefield.




If you ask me, those who got away before the fight broke loose were the lucky ones.

CRASH! And now another hole has been placed on the wall, courtesy of one smiling Izuku Midorya. "WOOO! Now that's what I call getting more BANG for your buck, am I right?" He called to his blond haired compadre, " Now then, my fellow bomberman, care to surrender before you-pfft- blow a fuse? HAHAHA!"

The one smoking blonde, named Bakugo Katsuki, was not amused. " GRRR, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR [CRAPPY!] JOKES, DEKU!". He propelled himself with his explosions towards the greenete, ready for another attack. Seeing this, Izuku quickly pried out of the hole and braced himself. Just as the blonde was about throw the punch, he stomped the floor.

THWWWACKKK! DING DING! A wooden board uppercut sent Katsuki through the ceiling and is now sailing through the air. Seeing his foe unable to battle for the time being, Izuku celebrates his hard earned victory.

"Another win for the Green People!HAHAHAHAAAAA!" Izuku jumps for joy as he presents himself with a medal he pulled out of nowhere. "From this day forward, the future students of this fine establishment will learn about the great war that has transpired in this establishment" He looks to the ground solemnly. " And the sacrifices that many had taken to ensure victory over the tyrannical nukazoid that threatened our way of life"

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