Part 2 but with ✨spice✨

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Clarke had stopped walking and had turned to face Lexa. She needed to know what she meant by that. She needed to know more.

Lexa looked worried, which was a new look for her, even in this form. But Clarke was only reminded of her Lexa, her love, her memory and it made her feel things she hadn't felt in a long time. She started to talk again, she sped up after a glance from Clarke which signified her impatience.

"As you know, when a new species is added, we collect their consciousness to become one with ours. But this time there was something else we don't quite understand." She said, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked away from Clarke in her own fascination and curiosity that this new species brought to her.

Clarke's face looked even more confused at her words. Lexa held her hand in front of Clarke, it was closed, tightly in a fist that was facing upwards. Clarke's curiosity peaked as she looked down at her closed hand with anticipation.

She made eye contact with Lexa which signaled her to continue speaking. "There was something where many human consciences were combined into one, similar to us but different in so many ways that we didn't understand. However, we could not accept them as one of our own. It wouldn't let us," She said and Clarke continued to look at Lexa confused.

"The technology used to contain them was broken and they were unable to transcend and join as one of us," Lexa then opened her hand slowly, revealing to Clarke the thing that held all of her curiosity.

Clarke's face stood in shock as she stared down at the broken pieces of the flame sitting in the palm of her delicate hand.

"You said it's broken, so what can I do?" Clarke asked, resisting the urge to grab it from her hand and keep it safe.

Lexa looked up at her with one eyebrow raised and replied with "nothing, We do not need your help."

And Lexa placed her other hand over the flame as a yellow light flashed under them. Just like the light that transcended Madi and everyone else she loved.

As she removed her hand, Clarke stood in amazement as she looked down and the flame was fixed.

"Even with it fixed, the technology keeps them from transcendence. It is like a divide, or even ground between your human consciousness and ours," she said as she examined the new technology in her hand that was now whole.

"As I understand, you can activate this correct?" Lexa asked Clarke. Clarke looked at her and nodded her head as she picked up the flame from Lexa's hand and examined it.

She was making sure it was the real thing, the thing she held in her hands for days after Lexa died because it was the closest thing to her Clarke had left. The technology she held close to her heart. The thing that she witnessed being pulled out of her love's head. She knew it so well and she could see no faults in the flame that currently rested in her hand.

"As we can not accept this part of your species, you deserve to have it" Lexa said proudly. Clarke, still speechless, managed to get a mumbled "thank you" out of her mouth.

She was fighting the urge to wrap her arms around Lexa as she had done many times before, but she controlled herself, only by the fact that it wasn't actually Lexa.

Lexa saw Clarke resisting her body's motion and broke the silence by saying " it was the least we could do since so many of your kind chose to transcend without you."

"Wait" Clarke stopped as she gripped the flame in her hand and directed all her attention back to Lexa.

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