Part 3

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"Wait" Clarke stopped. The wheels were turning in her head and she said "transcendence is a choice? You can choose to come back?"She asked very carefully as to not get her hopes up that someone might stay or to sound offended by the fact that they chose to leave her behind.

Lexa looked at Clarke in the eyes and said "of course, though until now no one ever had." As Clarke looked at Lexa in confusion, she was pulled away by a familiar laugh, one she had heard many times before by a voice that was imbedded in her brain.

Clarke turned her head and started walking again. As she came out from behind the trees, which had blocked her view, she saw so many of the people she loved.

Murphy, Emori, Raven, Nate, Niylah, Jackson, Indra, Gaia, Echo, Octavia, Levitt, Hope, Jordan and even Picasso were all helping to start a camp on the beach. They looked happy, at peace.

They were all laughing and working together. It was simple. She hadn't seen happiness from them in a long time and it was a refreshing change of scenery and emotion from the many years of war and pain they experienced.

Clarke was amazed by what she saw. Lexa still stood behind Clarke  "there won't be offspring, and they won't join us when they die." She said.

But that didn't stop Clarke's smile or happy mood as she watched the people in front of her that were too far away to notice her yet. "None of them seem to care" those words faded off as Clarke focused on her happy friends.

From the beach Murphy looked over to where Clarke was standing. "Hey. There she is" he said to everyone else at the camp, pointing over to her.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to see Clarke. "A curious species indeed" Lexa's final words stuck in Clarke's head as she slowly turned around to face her, but she was already gone. Again.

Trying too hard not to be upset that she, once again, had lost Lexa. Even though it wasn't actually her, it was so real and she reminded Clarke so much of her past lover. The past love she lost  all those year ago.

She returned her focus on her friends and Raven and Murphy who were making their way towards Clarke. She looked at them then looked at the flame in her hand. She squeezed it tightly in her fist and began to run in the direction of her friends.

Clarke hugged them tightly, holding on to that moment trying to forget the loneliness she felt moments before when she thought she would be all alone.

Raven and Murphy hugged Clarke back and walked with her back to the rest of the group who was waiting for them. They all exchanged hugs and laughs with each other as they were all finally happy again. It hadn't been like this in so long, she cherished every second.

Clarke took that moment to celebrate and have fun. To relax for a second and just enjoy the beautiful earth that she was happy to call home.

As a team, they all continued to build and finish their shelters which they would call home for the rest of their boring lives.

If only you were still here (Clexa endgame)Where stories live. Discover now