Final part

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Later in the evening, they had finished making their shelter, the fire which was burning bright, and cooked and ate fish they caught from the lake.

The sun had gone down in the sky and you could begin to see the stars up in the dark blue ocean up in the air.

Clarke sat down next to the clear water of the lake. She turned back and watched as everyone broke off to go to sleep in the tents they built from the long and exhausting day that they had. She was the last one awake as she refocused in front of her.

She sat there for a moment, taking everything in. Then she reached into her pocket pulling out the flame and holding in in her palm.

She hadn't told anyone about it yet, she didn't even know if she would tell anyone. She looked at it, spinning it around in her fingers, then she looked up at the stars.

Her mind was racing, she took a deep breath, breathing in all the smells of the ground. Then she looked back down to the flame.

"Fuck it." She said, taking in a deep breath.

She leaned forward and moved the hair off the back of her neck, she took a deep breath and then muttered the words "Ascende superius,"

Clarke watched as the flame opened up, she held it to the back of her neck and it penetrated into her skin.

Clarke winced in pain and immediately slapped her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from screaming and waking everyone else up in the process.

She sat there for a moment, still in so much pain, then it abruptly stopped. Clarke didn't know what to do next, she looked around waiting for a sign but nothing came. She honestly expected more.

In confusion, she decided to just shake it off because the time would with come when it would work, or that it would never work and she put useless technology in the back of her head.

Clarke laid in her back down carefully on a large, smooth rock to watch the stars. She could look at them forever.

She was reminded of the ark. It seemed like a different lifetime to her. Sitting on the couch, huddled with her mother and father, with Wells and Jaha, things were different now. She was different.

Her father would have liked the ground, he always wanted to see it. But he still rested among the stars. Born of the sky, die by the sky.

She wished he was here with her, she wished all of them were with her. It was like a reminder of her old self, a reminder of the last time she wasn't burdened by death.

The time had moved by quickly for Clarke and she could feel herself fading away, and she didn't fight it. She didn't want to.

She also didn't fight it because she knew what might come if she let it take over. She closed her eyes and sleep dragged her under.

Clarkes eyes shot open in a panic, startling her at the abrupt force she used to open them. She expected to be looking back up at the stars, laying near the water like she had when she fell asleep. Like she last remembered she was.

But she was laying in a very different, yet very familiar looking room. On a very familiar bed, looking at a very familiar ceiling. Strange.

Clarke sat her head up, looking around, taking in everything she saw. She was in her room that she occupied at Polis.

She got up from the bed and walked around, examining everything. It was so real. Everything was perfectly placed, just like her room had been before primfya tore it all down.

She walked slowly to the door, hesitant to open it, weary of what might be on the other side. Clarke finally sucked it up, took a deep breath and opened the door.

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