Chapter 3

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"Her Boyfriend?"

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"Her Boyfriend?"



I sat at my desk listening to Mr. Chambers, my new math teacher. He was an old guy roughly around the age of sixty-five. He didn't look like a mean teacher but hey, looks can be deceiving. It was kind of hard to pay attention when there were two girls whispering and giggling behind me. Talking about some football players abs they saw yesterday. I didn't really care about what they saw. And if I did, all I had to do was go on google and look up some shirtless actors I've been crushing on recently.

The last bell rung breaking me from my thoughts. Mr. Chambers was talking fast about the homework we were going to take home as everyone started standing gathering their things. I stack my books on top of each other since I didn't have my bag on me. I stood and grabbed the books holding them close to my chest. I walked to the front of the class and grabbed the homework from Mr. Chambers.

"Have a nice afternoon." I told the old man who hardly looks up at me.

"You as well."

I walked out of the classroom and into a hallway full of teenagers who is rushing to leave. I look to my left then my right trying to find Naya but there were so many people. I decided to go left to my locker hoping Naya would at least be waiting for me there. I kept a good grip on my books as I walked down the crowded hallway.

Once I reached my locker, I put in the code on the lock and unlocked it. I swung my locker open and got out my bag. I sat it on the floor between my feet and started placing my books in the locker neatly. In the still ongoing crowd of teenagers, I could sense Naya. Her presence was getting closer until I saw her in the side of my eye. I don't know how I do it. I guess it is a six sense or something.

"The teachers here are assholes." Announced Naya. I turned my head to see her leaning against another locker beside mine.

"Why do you say that?" I questioned looking down at the papers making sure to pull out my homework.

"In my English class, the teacher Mrs. McNaughty is one major bitch."

"Mrs. McNaughty?" I glanced at her amused by the nickname.

"Yeah. Her married name is really McNaughton, but McNaughty is definitely sticking." Naya tells me nodding her head. I shook my head laughing a bit. Leave it to Naya to nickname the teachers especially the ones she doesn't like. I thought.

I reached down and grabbed my bag. I handed it to Naya and told her to open it. She did while talking about the other asshole teachers she has. I hardly listened to her as I loaded my bag up with homework and the books I'll need.

"-So anyway, I saw Bella's boyfriend Edgar." Naya tells me and I paused. I looked at her giving her my attention.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yep. Wasn't really what I expected." She admitted scrunched her nose up a bit.

"What did you expect?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"A nerd or a pot head." Naya answered and I gave her a confused look. "She just seems like the type that would attract the weird ones."

I shook my head at her. She isn't really wrong though. Bella does seem like that type. I'm really curious to what the boy looked like now. In all my teenage years, I have never heard of Bella ever having a boyfriend. Now there was times where she would confess that some weird guys had asked her out, but she would never agree to go.

"I'm ready to go. Have you seen Bella?" I asked shutting my locker door and locking it back.

"Not since History with Mr. Thomas." Naya shrugged. I grabbed my bag from her, zipped it up. I grabbed the shoulder strap and swung it over my shoulder.

We started walking to the exit. The hallway was less crowded than before. As we walked down the hallway, I scanned the hall for anything to stick out. Nothing much was different about the school. To me, it looked like any other high school.

I brought myself out of my head as the exit door came into view. Once I was out of the school, Relief from surviving the first day of school hit me hard.

"I'm taking a hot bath once we get home." I told Naya who hummed.

"And I'm raiding the kitchen then falling asleep." She smirked and I smiled at her. I looked back at the parking lot and saw Bella at her truck with a boy with good hair. From here I saw he was really pale. Like the guy was never introduced to the sun before. Naya stops causing me to stop as well thinking something was wrong or she forgot something. She whacked me in the arm with the back of her hand and pointed.

"That's Edgar!" She cried out all of a sudden. I looked at her unsure. Then my eyes went back to the guy who now had his eyes on us. Like he heard Naya say his name.

"Her boyfriend?" I wondered studying the guy from head to toe. He didn't look like the type that would go for a girl like Bella. 

"Yeah. Doesn't look like a pot head or a nerd, does he?" Naya questions and I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked away saying something to Bella before turning and walking away.

"Something weird must be wrong with him. Bella always attracted the weird guys." I spoke and Naya glanced at me with a look of agreement.

"That's what I was saying."


"Uncle Charlie, where did Bella go?" I asked walking down the stairs. Naya was still passed out upstairs from her food coma. Uncle Charlie sat on the couch watching a random gun show. I stepped into his view waiting for his answer. 

"Bella went to the Cullens to celebrate her birthday." He sighed looking away from the TV. I frowned confused.

"I thought Bella didn't want to celebrate?" I asked still frowning. Uncle Charlie shrugged.

"I guess she changed her mind." He said and I couldn't help the scoff that came out of my mouth. I thought she would at least stay for dinner as Uncle Charlie planned to her favorite pasta dish. 

"More like ditched us for her weird ass boyfriend." I spat sitting down beside him with a huff. Uncle Charlie muted the TV and turned my head towards me giving me his full attention.

"You met the Cullen boy?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I shook my head.

"No, I didn't meet him, but I saw him. He and Bella was having a conversation in the parking lot today." I told my uncle, who made a face before shaking his head. "Do you not like him?"

"It's not that I don't like him, it's that I don't trust him. The Cullen kids doesn't give me a hard time unlike the other kids around here. They're good kids." Uncle Charlie explains leaning over and grabbing his beer. He took a large sip before looking at me once again. "It's just something about the boy gives me the creeps."

"So, you don't like him?" I repeated raising an eyebrow. He picked up the remote and unmuted the TV.

"I never said that." Uncle Charlie snorted but by the look on his face I knew he didn't like the guy. I looked at him amused.

"You don't have to. Your face says it all."

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