Chapter 33

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"So like, when can I go home?"

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"So like, when can I go home?"



As I started to come back to my senses, I noticed a lot of things. One, there was an annoying beeping noise. Two, I felt like I was repeatedly run over by a truck, then was smashed with a rock. Three, something was in my nose. Four, I was hungry as fuck. Five, why does it smell like a hospital?

"Naya? Can you hear me?" A loud clear voice asked. I cracked my eyes open a tad bit, and immediately forced them closed once I saw nothing but light. God, that's fucking bright. Turn it the fuck off. I tried to reopen them, but the light burned my eyes making them water a bit. I gave up and kept them closed. "Naya, can you open your eyes for me?"

I lifted my arm slowly off my stomach. "That's good, Naya." It now hit me that it was Carlisle talking. I bent my fingers leaving just a special one up for him. I heard a sigh before my hand was gently lowered back on my stomach. "Naya, can you open your eyes for me?"

I opened my eyes a little. The lights were dimmed. Thank fuck, I wasn't blinded by the light again. I fully open them after some hard blinks. Carlisle was leaning over me with heartwarming smile. "Good morning, Naya. You have a lot of people worried about you."

I gave him a glare, angry that I was woken up. The beeping noise still echoed in my ears. I slowly turned my head determined to see what the fuck it was. It was a pulse and heart monitor machine. I blinked and widened my eyes a bit making sure I was seeing things right.

It was a machine that belongs in a hospital. I saw wires and a empty chair in the corner. It suddenly hit me. I was in a fucking hospital. I turned my head back towards Carlisle. "I want to go home." My voice was raspy and dry.

"Do you remember any of the events that led you here, Naya?" Carlisle asked flashing a light in my eyes. I blinked trying to remember why I was here. I only remembered Uncle Charlie leaving. Did Natalie and I decide to have a party? A party that got to out of control? But wouldn't I remember it? Fuck, what the hell happened? Why does my body hurt so much?

"No." I admitted. Carlisle was looking at the pulse and heart machine and writing on a clipboard. "Was I hit by a truck or some shit?"

Carlisle sighed tapping his pen on the clip board he carried. He eyes held a look of pity in them. He goes to open his mouth, but the door was slammed open into the wall. I flinched at the loud noise. Uncle Charlie rushes inside looking like total shit. "Naya Swan!" He sounded angry. Very angry.

Oh shit.

"I don't know what happened!" I cried hoping it'll save me. Uncle Charlie stops beside the bed looking straight at Carlisle.

"How bad is it, Dr. Cullen?" He asked. His voice sounded stressed and exhausted.

What the fuck happened? I questioned myself.

"How about we step outside to speak Charlie." Carlisle suggested gesturing towards the door. I looked at the vampire doctor with a frown. I saw to many doctor shows to know what that meant.

"Uh oh, I'm dying, aren't I?" I panicked. "Every doctor always go outside the room to deliver the bad news!"

"Naya, you're going to be fine." Carlisle assured me patting my hand. "There are some things that your uncle and I have to discuss about your sister and yourself."

"Natalie is here as well?" I asked trying to push myself up at the mention of my sister, but pain erupted in my right shoulder and right side. I groaned in pain clutching my right side, my eyes watering.

"Be careful sweetheart." Uncle Charlie spoke softly. The dark bags under his eyes were painful to look at. He probably was so exhausted from worry.

"It will be best if you don't try to move, Naya. You could further injure yourself." Carlisle warned placing a gentle hand on my uninjured shoulder. "Yes, Natalie is here. She is in the next room actually."

"What happened, Dr. Cullen?" I asked him, hoping he would tell me. "Why can't I remember anything?"

Carlisle looks hesitant, his eyes shifting from Uncle Charlie to me. "From your sister's side of the story, you both was fooling around outside and fell downstairs. You hit your head hard on the concrete. It is common for Temporarily memory loss when a patient has a concussion."

I took a moment to process his words. Something about his story about how Natalie and I ended up in the hospital sounded like a lie. But it could also be the truth. I can't remember shit, so I didn't know if it was true or not. Maybe he lied because Uncle Charlie was in the room.

"So, like, when can I go home?" I asked completely changing the subject. I wasn't too happy about staying here. The place was surrounded by death, sickness, and depression. I hated this place.

"With your injuries, you won't be leaving anytime soon." Carlisle answered without missing a beat.

Damn it!

"We should have that talk now, Dr. Cullen." Uncle Charlie says gaining the doctors attention. The vampire doctor gave him a quick smile.

"Of course." Carlisle turns his attention to me. "I will be back later to check on you. I will also tell one of the nurses to bring you some lunch. If you need something, just hit the red button on this remote. It'll notify the nurses station right away."

I scrunched my nose in disgust at the thought of eating hospital food. "I don't want no hospital food. It sucks. I want to go home."

Carlisle sighed as Uncle Charlie patted my knee. "After Dr. Cullen and I are finished talking, I'll go and get you some food."

Realizing that they weren't about to get talked into taking me home, I gave up. For now, at least. "Fine."

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