Chapter 6

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Somewhere inside the UN building, Courier and his admiral Adrian were standing among the UN council.

Adrian: This "Cordium" what exactly is it?

UN Council Member: Scientists believe it's some kind of valuable geothermal energy resource. The sources of this energy are founded in deposits around the Ring of Fire and we believe that the Tritons are using it to enhance their troops.

Courier: But what does it had to do with me being here?

UN Council Member: As you know, you boys have been fighting out ever since the day of your creation. However, as the days come by process seems... Slow.

Adrian: We all due respect, but the Tritons seemed to be more organized than before. We even have reported that Tritons' leader's son is on the field commanding the force.

UN Council Member: Understandable, but before you go. We have a 'gift' for Courier.

Courier: Gift?

The floor then opens up, revealing a container with a syringe.

Courier: What is this?

UN Council Member: Scientists mange to use the Cordium to create some kind of combat serum. We believe it could help you in battle.

Courier proceeds to grab the syringe and looks at it.

Courier: What the are the side-effects of the serum?

UN Council Member: You'll feel a burning feeling for a few minutes and that's all.

Courier: Right...

Taking a deep breath, Courier injects the syringe into his arm.

The veins on Courier's body glow a bright orange. Courier's eyes widen as he drops to the floor, screaming in pain.

Adrian: Courier! Are you alright!

Adrian asks as he drops to Courier's level before supporting him.

Courier: My... My insides... They're like on fire...

Courier replied between breathes as the glow dies down.

UN Council Member: Remember, we don't know what will happen if you break the safety of the serum. It's best that you take it slow and steady.

Courier: Yes, sir!

UN Council Member: Now go back out there. There's fight that must be won.

Courier and Adrian: We will.


The Azur Lane fleet, which consisted of the Royal Navy and Eagle Union ships were lead by UNS Courier in a decisive naval battle against the Sakura Empire, Sirens, and Ironblood.

Enterprise: One battle after another...

Courier was standing next Enterprise as he puts a hand on her shoulder.

Courier: Don't worry, Enty. We'll win this.

Courier then readies his launcher as he cocks the lever before looking at the vein on his wrist that was glowing.

Courier Thoughts: I have to be careful if I were to use it again unless I'll end up like "HIM"

Some where else, Queen Elizabeth was on her ship along with Prince of Wales.

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