Chapter 34🍋

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Location: Azur Lane base, Main Building.

Courier was on the balcony of the main Azur Lane building after the meeting. Needless to say, everyone was shocked by the information about the Tritons given by Courier. After the news were given, admiral Elda has given the entire Azur Lane a new order: Save the Siren leader Arbiter and her followers while also deal with the Triton threat along with the Sirens that sided with them. 

For Omitter, after a long talk about the situation, was allowed to stay here, but unless emergencies happen, she isn't allowed to use her riggings since some don't fully trust her yet despite her alliance to Arbiter. 

Alone with his thoughts, Courier begins to remember the nightmares he has been experiencing ever since his marriage with Enterprise. His fists tightens remembering the suffering he went through.

Texas: Courier?

Courier's thoughts came to a end when he heard Texas calling him. He turns around to see her approaching him.

Courier: What is it you need, Texas?

Texas: We need to talk.

Courier: About what?

Texas didn't reply and instead stood next to Courier as the sun slowly starts to set.

Texas: Beautiful isn't it? Scenery like these reminds me of home.

Texas said, leaning on the balcony with her hand of her chin. 

Texas: Tell me Courier... What do you think of me?

Courier: You? Cheerful, powerful... beautiful

Texas blush upon hearing Courier's last comment as she looks back at the sunset, her heart beating at a rapidly pace.

Texas Thoughts: Come on Texas it's your time to shine! They nicknamed you "Mighty T" for nothing! 

Taking a deep breath, the still blushing Texas looks at Courier, ready to confess.

Texas: Courier, I need to confess...

Courier: About what? 

The two look at each other in the eyes, Texas holding Courier's hand with both of hers. 

Texas: Ever since you saved me and my acquisition to Azur Lane. I... I have been developing feelings. Feelings that are telling me to yell out.

Courier: What are you saying? 

Texas: I-I... I LOVE you, Courier.

Texas confess to Courier with a smile before cupping his cheek and leaned up to peck his lips.

Courier was more focused on the kiss as Texas spoke, her yellow eyes twinkled as they looked into his as they locked their gazes.

Courier didn't think in next, he just acted.

Courier leaned forward and connected his lips to Texas's and she froze up for a moment before melting into the kiss, her hands pressing to his chest before they broke the kiss and pressed their foreheads together.

Courier: Texas... I love you too.

The two looked into each other's eyes as Texas smiled and touched her lips before commenting Courier was a good kisser.

Courier chuckled before asking if Texas wanted to do so again and she giggled before pressing her lips to his, the lock deepening until they pulled away for air, with a string of saliva connecting from their mouths.

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