Act 2 Trailer: The Emperor's Redemption

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Somewhere in the void, a platform with a statue of a man and his son were left alone until streams of light slowly move its way towards the statue. 

"His name is Aldrich, the Triton Emperor." 

The lights move up on the statues, causing its eyes to glow as it nearly reaches the top.

"And he's coming for you, Courier."

When the lights reach the top of the statues. It lit up the entire void with a flash.


Somewhere, a Siren base was under attack as the Sirens stationed there try their best to defend themselves.

"Can you blame him?"

Suddenly, multiple explosions happen at the harbor, killing every Siren that were there.

"You killed his son..."

Above the lava filled city of Seattle, Courier was facing against the prince of Triton as they duel above the burning city.

"With his own powers."

With a flaming sword in hand, Courier slashes the sword onto the prince, killing him. The prince lets out a scream that echoed around the world. 


"And now..."

Back at the attacked Siren base, a Siren was getting drag to the shadow realm. Soon after, portals appear, revealing a group Tritons and corrupted Sirens as they continue the assault on the base. 

"He's out for revenge."

Not long after, a phantom shadow of the Emperor appears to give orders to his forces.

"And he's building a Dark Fleet to hunt you down."

A bigger and wider portal appears, revealing a Triton Ringleader with a battle axe in his hands.

Ringleader: The Emperor has marked you for death, and the Legion obeys! Ready yourself for battle!

The Ringleader roared before slamming his axe downward on Courier who dodged the attack.

Meanwhile at the Atlantic Ocean, shipgirls of the Eagle Union and Royal Navy were facing another Ringleader before having to evade his attacks. 


"But I heard the legends."

Sailing in Siren territory, Courier, Texas, and Enterprise remain on their guard in case of any attacks.

"You're ready."

Two F-15s were evading AA fire right before diving towards the fireworks that was a Triton fleet. 

At midst the battle, Courier along with his fleet enter combat with the Tritons as cannon fire and dogfights roared through out the battlefield.


Connecting his daggers together, Seraph's bow begins to glow before he launches a arrow at a group of Siren ships, anchoring them as a airstrike soon came over and destroy them. 


Back to back, Courier and Bismarck were surrounded by fleets of Tritons and Sirens as a hurricane rages above them as the waves start getting wild.

Using this to their advantage, Bismarck uses her Wahrheit skill while Courier launches his Lighting Strike skill, destroying those surrounding them while the storm took care of the rest. 


Injecting himself with a syringe, Courier's veins begin to glow orange along with his shovel set ablaze. Courier quickly swings around, what was once his shovel now a sword. 

Activating his Death From Above, the sky was set ablaze when Courier begins attacking a fleet of Tritons while his aircraft drop their flaming ordnances upon the Sirens.


Together with Horseman and Seraph, the trio begin their assault on a Triton base, taking those that dare to be in their way.

More reinforcements arrive to stall the trio right as Courier cocks the lever of his Chaperone before blasting a slug into a Triton's face.


"Aldrich is coming, Courier."

Outside, Battleships and Cruisers begin shelling the base as a storm slowly approaches. 

"You got his attention."

Upon the storm's arrival, another phantom of the Emperor appears in front of trio, angry as it lashes out to them

"Now, go get his head."

Courier reloads his Chaperone, the trio already done cleaning up the base of any Sirens or Tritons.

A New Act Has Begun

The Sirens loyal to Arbiter flee with her to Azur Lane before encountering Seraph by himself.

For The Lone Courier

A coalition fleet of Sirens and Azur Lane slowly approach the Emperor's fleet for a battle that'll change the fate of many.

His Road Is Coming To Its End

Alone, Courier walks down the lonesome path, his duster with a black spade and the number 21 on it flaps with wind as he approaches a throne room.

Looking up, Courier saw Aldrich standing up from his throne, rigging on and sword drawn as the atmosphere darkens for the showdown. Soon after, the two rush towards each other and clash.



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