Chapter 40: Dreamwalker

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It has been a week ever since Courier's awakening. However, things weren't going smoothly for the carrier and everyone in Azur Lane much less the situation they're dealing with it. 

Inside his dorm, Seraph was laying on his bed, looking at the cell as his memory recalls the day of Courier's awaken only to sigh afterwards.  

Seraph Thoughts: Horseman... where are you?

Seraph thought about his mentor... his father-figure. Wonder where he is before mentally sighing. 

Seraph: Maybe some sleep will help...

His eyes feeling heavy, he thinks some sleep would be a good idea. Closing his eyes for a slumber.  


Eyes widen, Seraph felt his head pulsing which annoys him. Getting up he immediately notices he isn't in his room, but rather in a different plane of existence. The floating structures and red sky were all to him.

Seraph: Where am I?

"So you finally made it."

A voice calls out, causing Seraph to jump as he looks back to see nothing other than... Courier.

Seraph: Courier?! Wait... if you're here then... How-

Courier: Why I'm here isn't important, but rather the condition I'm in... and you being here as well.

Seraph: Okay...? But what is this place?

Courier: This is the Realm, or specifically Horseman's Throne World. 

Seraph: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on for a minute! You're saying THIS... is my mentor's personal dimension?!

Hearing this surprises Courier a bit.

Courier: You didn't know? I thought Horseman took you here under his wing?

Seraph: Well, he never told me about this place much less his own world. 

Seraph said, while Courier just sigh.

Courier: Doesn't matter now. Let's put that aside.

Seraph: Okay. OH! You finally got your arm!  And it's made out of... Rock?

Shouted Seraph, pointing out the rocky arm that replaced Courier's left arm.

Courier: Hm? Oh... that's just a illusion. In the Realm, not everything is what it seems.

Courier corrected Seraph.

Seraph: Oh... wait, if this is Horseman's world then there's a chance we might find him!

Courier: .....

Seraph: Huh? What's with the silence? 

Courier: Horseman's... not available at the moment...

Seraph: Really? What a bummer... then where is he?

Courier: He's.... resting at the moment...

Seraph notices the semi-sadden tone in voice when bringing up Horseman, but he put those thoughts aside.

Suddenly, the same red halo appears above Courier, pain immediately assaults his head as he grips it. Quick to react, Seraph rushes up and help support the carrier.

Courier: Tsk...

Seraph: You alright?

Courier: I'm... alive...

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