chapter 13: the overdue news

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Ahsoka's pov 
The others were building away. Luke was almost done with his while Ezra was struggling. Luckily Obi-Wan was there to help. Speaking of Ezra, I have a promise to keep. I opened the door to Lux's private quarters, not bothering to knock.

"Yes?" He asked as he came out shirtless. I quickly pulled my hands over my eyes.

"I'm so so so so sorry. It's just- I needed to talk to you."

"Hey, hey. It's okay Ahsoka." I opened my eyes to see he was fully dressed.

"Now what was it you needed to talk to me about?"

"Oh right, um. When we were in the caves we encountered some giant creatures that looked like big loth cats."

"That's cause they were loth cats, mutant loth cats. Forgive me for interupting. Continue."

"And they tried to eat us. But it wasn't because they were savage beasts, it's because they were starving. And one of those things saved our lives. I'm politely requesting you have some of your people deliver some food to them. Nothing fancy or anything, just some rashon sticks would be fine."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Oh and one more thing. Can I build my light sabers in here.  It's more peaceful away from the children and the pesky jedi masters that seem to follow you everywhere cough Obi-Wan, cough!"

"Okay, ms. Choker go get a cough drop then come back and work on your sabers if you want."

"Thanks Bonteri."

"Now Ansoka, is that anyway to address your betrothed?"

"Oh my force! Will you ever let that go! It was a last minute decision okay? And besides, you know you enjoyed it!" He rolled his eyes but stood speechlessly before I stormed out. I left victorious over the argument. As always. Chat with Leia, check. Chat with Lux, check. Chat with Obi-Wan, soon to be checked.

"Hey Obi-Wan may I speak with you?"

"Of course Ahsoka." We walked to the corner of the room. Which, considering the size of the room it took awhile. Luke was putting his light saber together piece by piece. I smiled at him. Obi-Wan stopped me.

"Actually Ahsoka, I need to tell you something to."

"Great Obi-Wan but me first. Do you remember Bariss. Bariss Offee from the clone wars?"

"I try to forget." I didn't like that answer.

"I know what she did was terrible but trust me, she had good intentions. There was this weird connection thing we had over the force, I could see her. We talked about why she framed me. She framed me, to save me of what she knew was coming. Order 66."

"W- wow. R- really? Are you sure?"

"Obi-Wan, I've never been more positive about anything in my life. Bariss Offee is good still, and before the very end she was a true jedi. A peacekeeper, not a soldier. I know where she is. We can still save her and-"


"WHAT!?! WHY NOT!?!" Everyone was looking at us, even Lux and Leia's heads popped over the wall.

"Risking your life to save a child, a possible chosen one even, that is one thing. But risking your life to save an old prisoner and traitor, that's another. I will not allow you to go to her."

"But Obi-Wan I need to-"

"Ahsoka! I forbid it!"

"Fine, I understand. Your the master, and I'm just the knight."

"Ahsoka..." In that moment I completely snapped.

"No, no. It's fine, you better go help your new apprentice. Tsk, hopefully you do a better job with this one!" I stormed off back into Lux's room. I partially regretted my words, partially. I sensed Obi-Wan's presence following me. I slammed the door shut and used the force to baracade it. I didn't notice Lux was in there until I sat on his legs on the bed. I ignored him and got up slinging my back against the door for further protection.

"Ahsoka! I order you to open this door and let me talk!"


"Fine. I didn't want you to find out like this but, you asked for it. About Darth Vader. All of what he said is true." I gasped, he heard me. My entire mood changed from fired up and angry to depressed and scared.

"Just let me in. I only want to tell you the truth."

"Obi-Wan don't you get it? I'm afraid of the truth! I'm afraid that I'm not strong enough to face it."

"But you don't have to be strong by yourself. We're here for you." Lux cooed.

"You have me, Leia, Luke, Rex, Obi-Wan, Ezra, oh and Ventress. You don't have to face your fears alone. You have us." I sniffled. I was about to cry. I surprised my tears and opened the door. I took a deep breath in and out.

"Obi-Wan. I'm ready for the truth." He nodded and guided me towards the bed. He sat me down in between him and Lux. Brace yourself Ahsoka. You don't know what's yet to come.

"At the end of the clone wars supreme chancellor Palpatine, now called the Emperor wiped out the Republic to make his new Empire. All of our beloved clones executed order 66, which all of that you know. But what you don't know is what happened to create it." I have him a questioning look.

"Anakin turned to the dark side. He became Palpatine's puppet and I watched him slaughter younglings. It was horrific to see. I went to Mustafar to go confront the newly evil Anakin. After the duel I won and sliced off his limbs. I thought for sure he was dead, I saw him burn to a crisp. Then again, I left before I was able to see him perish." My mouth hung open. I'm putting the pieces together now.

"So what are you saying?" I choked out.

"I'm saying two things could have happened. Either Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker, or Anakin died and Vader is another evil force sensitive. I wouldn't out rule either one." All of the sudden I burst out into tears. Sobbing like I never have before. Lux held me in his arms while Obi-Wan put a hand on my shoulder, a single tear slipped down his cheek.

"Ahsoka I'm so-" I drowned him out with even louder sobs. I could sense the fear and confusion radiating off everyone in the other room. Suddenly the door burst open with the three children standing there. They all ran to my side and joined the hug. Soon after came along Rex, then Ventress. I continued to sob for hours. I felt something shift in my bag around my chest. My crystals flew out. Without even realizing I was doing it, my sabers were being constructed via force. There was a bright light and two stick like things fell to the ground. I got out of all my friends grasp and picked up my two new light sabers. At least something good came out of all this.

"I- ill be o- okay guys. Go finish." I was able to choke out to them. They were all hesitant but everyone left. Almost everyone.

"Lux, if you don't mind I need to be alone right now."

"You have to be alone in my bedroom though?" I gave him the look.

"Kidding, kidding." He defended.

"For a Senator your annoyingly funny."

"Hey! Not all senators are stuffy old hags working for evil. There's me, and I'm sure Padme Amidala is not some mindless Imperial like the others."

Lux's pov 
Yeah I said something wrong. She ran up to me and started crying again. She placed herself in my arms and she stayed there. After a couple more minutes she stopped crying again. Instead she just smiled innocently and cuddled up against my chest. She stayed like this for hours. I didn't mind, in fact I enjoyed it. There's something about her that you don't see in anyone else. A certain fire. The only other place I've seen that fire before was just now, as Ahsoka's young padawan left. Leia, I believe her name was. They deserve to be happy. Neither of them are happy here. They must leave at once. Not for my sake, but for theirs.

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