chapter 18: opinions change

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Hey guys I figured I would include a special appearence of someone else who was in Star Wars the clone wars. You'll never guess who will baby sit Leia, Luke and Ezra. If you do have a guess I want to see your guess, please comment it below. Now enjoy meh book

Ahsoka's pov 
Less then one day to go until we reach Coruscant. I hope Bariss is alright. She said she wanted me to forget all about her and enjoy my life, I'll do half of that. I'm going to enjoy my life as a jedi for the rebellion with Bariss by my side. Just like old times. I haven't slept at all since we left Onderon. I don't know what happened to Lux but I'm sure he's okay, he's one tough Senator. Reminds me of someone else I used to know. I internally slapped myself, stop thinking about the past. It's like Master Yoda always said, learn to let go. Ventress was practicing her light saber training while Leia and Ezra watch in amazement. Clearly Lumens was still asleep. I got up from my seat and walked towards them and past Ventress.

"Why are you two just standing around like this?"

"We don't know how to do it." Ezra piped up.

"Well duh. That's probably why they call it training. So you can learn how to do it."


"No buts! Now you go get your light sabers and yo get out there!" Ezra smiled and ran to get his light saber which had a glowing blue crystal in it.

"Where will you be Master?"

"I'm gonna have a chat with the Captain. If Ventress doesn't want to teach you, then come get me. I'll straighten it her, understood?"

"I'm afraid to say no."

"Good instinct Leia, go with that." I left towards the back without giving her another chance to respond.

"Hey Commander, what's up?"

"Hi Rex, I-I wanted to talk to you about something important."

"I'm all ears Ahsoka." He called me by my name, I know he's serious now.

"Great, this might be a little... how do I say... difficult! To hear but... you need to know. You have a right to know. But I'm giving you a fair warning, your heart might break."

"I'm can take it. Just tell me, please."

"It's about Anakin, or you know him as General Skywalker. What do you think happened to him?"

"I hate to admit it, but he probably died by the hands of his own men.

"Okay, so you think he died. But what if I told you there was a chance he was alive?"

"What! Really!"

"Calm down. If he was alive then it wouldn't be in a way either of us would like. What would you say if I told you that Anakin Skywalker could've become D- D- Dar-"

"Ahsoka just spit it-"

"DARTH VADER OKAY!!! D-darth Vader." Rex looked like he couldn't make up his mind on his own feelings. His face looked furious but on the inside he was absolutely appalled.

"Rex I-"

"Don't bother Commander, it's alright." Excuse me?

"How are you okay with this. I just told you one of your best friends could've turned evil! And your response is just alright?"

"Let me explain Ahsoka. It's alright because I know it's not true."

"What? How could you possibly know this?"

"Because it's only logical. Think about it, think about all the good things that General Skywalker has done when we knew him. Now think about what Darth Vader does. It's impossible, they're to different. Commander, I don't know what you think about it and I probably can't sway what you think either. But I hope you at least consider my thought as the truth."

"You know what Rexter, your right. Right about everything. Anakin died in order 66 and Darth Vader must be just some other jedi who was seduced by the dark side. That you, for everything." We both leaned in forward at the same time, and bumped our heads pretty hard. We both said a small 'ow' and looked up at each other. Then laughter pooled the room, my right lekku was definitely going to be bruised but it's worth it. This time I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks Rexter. I love you."

"Love you too Ahsoka." Besides Anakin, he was the closest thing I had to a brother. My very sweet, yet very violent brother. I pulled away and left him to his job. He was still cleaning his two blasters. I was met with the most shocking, and terrible surprise.

"Surrender to the dark side, or they die!" Darth Vader said. He had his red blade in his hand and it was hovering to close to their necks. Leia and Luke were on their knees an Di will never forget the terrified looks on their face. How did he even get on my ship in the middle of hyperspace?

"Let them go!"

"Join me Ahsoka..."

"Let. Them. Go!"

"And together we will rule the galaxy as Master and Apprentice."

"You must know by now that I will never join you!"

"Then you leave me no choice."

"No! Wait-" I was to late. I watched helplessly as he gutted the two people I love the most. Their heads fell to the floor, as did my heart. Tears flew out of my eyes as I cried and screamed

"Noooo!!!!" I activated my light sabers and despite the fact my eyes were blurry from tears I still attacked him presicely. Eventually I cut a scar on his arm. I looked at the scar. I was expecting blood to ooze out all over my ship. But instead all I saw was cut wires and grey machinery. Was Darth Vader even human? Probanly, it's not like he has emotions or anything. Under normal circumstances I would be laughing my head off at my own joke, but this wasn't under normal circumstances. We fought but shockingly enough, he got very tired. He fell to the ground almost within two minutes of fighting. He was on the ground begging for mercy. He just killed my children. MY CHILDREN AND NOW HE'S BEGGING FOR MERCY!!! No mercy for him. I took one of my light sabers and held it high above my head. I will enjoy this moment. Just as I was about to pile him I felt a sharp pain of electricity run up my spine. I dropped both my sabers and screamed at the top of my lungs. I was being electricuted or something. I continued screaming until it all went black. The last thing I saw was a purple figure standing over me. Ventress!

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